
The CEO's Hired Girlfriend

Desperate times they say, call for desperate measures. Fiona Lopez, after her mother gets diagnosed with cancer turns to a hire a girlfriend agency in order to foot her mother's medical bills. Having successfully paid for the medical bills, Fiona decides to find a decent job before her mother is discharged but gets caught up in a web when she goes for her job interview only to find out that her supposed boss is none other than the man she had played a fake girlfriend for on her last job. Desperate for a job, and not wanting to return to her former job, she is forced into working closely with him even though she doesn't want to. While working closely with him, she soon realizes that love bridges all gaps when she finds herself falling helplessly in love with Liam. Liam Parker is a dashingly handsome, aloof, and indifferent young CEO of the PK Enterprise. After his last relationship where he caught his girlfriend getting engaged to a business partner, Liam decided that he wasn't cut out for love. But when he turns to hiring a girlfriend in an attempt to evade marriage, everything changes for Liam when he meets and falls for his hired girlfriend at first sight. Not only does he fight to get Fiona's love, but he fights to gain approval from his mother too. *****Excerpt**** "I'm sorry Mr. Parker but you have it all wrong. We don't have sex with our clients. It's against protocols," she explained and Liam nodded. "No one would know we did it, right? I won't tell and surely you won't," he said and Fiona looked at him incredulously. "I guess you're drunk," she said flatly and he nodded and stood up. He walked closer to her and whispered to her ears, causing goosebumps to sprout all over her body. "Yes, I'm drunk and you're the only one that can sober me up right now. So, how much?" he asked and Fiona gave him a confused look. What was he asking? How much what? Did she tell him she was selling anything to him? She mused as her brows drew together. "How much? How much for what?" she asked and he ran his finger down her cheek, making it hard for her to concentrate. "How much would it cost me to have my cock buried inside you....." before he could finish, a hot-sounding slap landed on his face, causing him to turn to the side.

BabyAngel2 · Urban
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202 Chs

The moment(1)

Fiona woke up the next morning with a feeling of ease as it dawned on her that it was the day her contract with Liam was going to expire.

She couldn't wait to finally leave that place. A place where she was considered nothing more than an escort. Although she had been trying to make it sound as though it wasn't a big deal, she knew it had hurt her.

After spending that day with him, having him defend her against her manager... the way he had been calm despite her outburst... how he had taken her shopping and their little role play, even during the date. She had thought they probably had chemistry, hence the reason she had let him have his way with her.

Who knew that he was such a jerk? She hissed. She should've known. If he was a jerk, he wouldn't have been single in the first place.

'Does that make you a bitch too? You're single,' a voice in her head said and she shook her head.

She was nothing like that scum. She quickly denied as she got off the bed. A sigh escaped her mouth and a smile slowly spread across her face as her thoughts drifted off to her mom.

She was going to visit the hospital first thing after she leaves here, she decided as she picked up her box to pick out something to wear after she freshens up.

After picking out a blue-colored tank top and black shorts, Fiona dashed into the bathroom. She stepped out a moment later and headed out to the dining to have breakfast.

As she walked past the room she had been told belonged to Phil which Liam had said he would be in, Fiona contemplated knocking on the door. Despite the fact that she was angry at him, she was still his hired girlfriend and they would have to play their roles perfectly well.

It was going to be weird showing up at the dining alone when she and Liam had portrayed being helplessly in love to the staffs.

Deciding to discard her angry and focus on doing a good job, Fiona knocked on the door. When she didn't get an answer, she rapped on it again and when it began apparent that there was no one in the room, she hissed and walked away.

'And here I was trying to keep up the act,' she muttered to herself as she descended the stairs.

She scowled when she met Liam at the dining carrying a tray of scrambled eggs, waffles and tea. What did he think he was doing? She mused with an eye roll.

"Now you've ruined my surprise. I wanted to give you a romantic breakfast in bed treat, baby," Liam said and Fiona rolled her eyes but immediately plastered a smile on her face the moment she saw a house help step out of the kitchen.

"You're so romantic babe. But you really shouldn't have gone through the hassle," she said as lovingly as she could and Liam smiled.

"It's still not ruined. So, why don't we just return upstairs and then have breakfast in the room?" he asked and Fiona shook her head.

"We're already here so what's the point? Let's just eat here, please," she said and he dropped the tray on the dining table.

"Anything for you babe," he said and then raised her hand to his lips causing flashes from that night to flicker through Fiona's eyes.

Looking into her eyes, Liam could see the slight shift in eyes as her desire for him began to form a mist in her eyes.

Realizing the awkward sexual tension that hung like a thick blanket in the air, Fiona cleared her throat and raised a glass of water to her mouth.

"So, how about you go for a makeover?" Liam suggested after the silence had dragged on for too long.

"A makeover? Why would I need one?" she asked and he cocked a brow.

"The dinner with mom is tonight," he reminded and Fiona looked at him in confusion.

"I don't understand why I would need a makeover for just dinner with your mom," she said and he looked at her.

"You're Fiona Stones, remember? You can't possibly go see my mom with the same hairdo you have when you arrived in town," Liam said and Fiona sighed.

She had known that had been the reason he suggested a makeover. In fact, she had suspected that he would but she had hoped not. She just didn't want to receive any favors from him again.

"You're right. I'll ask the driver to take me....."

"You don't have to. I already called one home. I can't possibly let you go through all that hassle especially since you're new in town," Liam said and Fiona huffed silently.

"Thanks for being so thoughtful babe," she said stiffly and Liam waved it off.

"You deserve my thoughtless and much more." with that being said, they both continued with their meal.

After breakfast, Fiona had returned to the room till the house hold staff had come to inform her of the hair stylists presence. While Liam on the other hand had kept himself busy with work.

Later that evening at around 6 P. M, Fiona stood nervous in front of the vanity mirror which hung in Liam's bedroom.

This was the moment he had hired her for and she needed to do a good job. She was a good actress no doubt, it wasn't her first time playing this role but somehow she just felt oddly strange to the very job she had been doing for the past six months.

Perhaps it was because of the lies Liam had said they should tell or it was probably because she had let herself become emotional attached to the job.

Whatever it was, Fiona made up her mind to shove the whole silly anxiousness out of her mind and head. She had to do the job like she had always done and leave. Leave from the agency and whatever that had to do with her lying about herself ever again.