
The CEO'S feisty wife

It was a perfect plan to destroy both their families in one go. Manipulated with the aid of sorcery, Samantha and Leo were caught in-between their grandparent's old fraternity feud when they found themselves in a one night stand situation. The previous night was blurry. Samantha was aghast when she realized she was not in her dormitory room… "Did we have sex!?..." "Why can't I remember?..." Leo thought it was just a hook-up between two adults, only to learn he must marry her even if she was part of the group that killed his father. She hated him for taking away her innocence. He hated her for destroying his family and taking away his freedom. It was a huge misunderstanding that they must unravel and a feud they must overcome only if they could find love in the midst of their hatred for each other.

DaoistpaI7jP · Urban
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53 Chs

Chapter 44

Samantha arrived at her grandmother's house feeling exhausted. She couldn't believe that the bastard just tried to kill her. He nearly put her six feet under and grandma told the girls no police should be involved.

'How could grandma say that after all, he did to me!?' Samantha wondered to herself unbelievably. Even the girls agreed that he should be arrested after she updated Danielle about what has been happening in her life for the past three days.

Danielle was furious. "I should have done more than scream in his face! I should have clawed out his eyes or at least spat on his face" Danielle said angrily to Abby's amusement.

Looking at Danielle as she angrily walked the length and breadth of Samantha's bedroom, Abby realized that the two sisters looked more alike than she had thought. Apart from the fact that Danielle was a bit more chatty, the two sisters were both animated individuals. Danielle talks with the same ferocity as Samantha does whenever she's angry. She also seemed not to be afraid of facing anybody no matter how big they are

"Sometimes I don't understand grandma!..." Danielle ranted on. "A man raped your granddaughter and all you could say was go home, we'll talk about it when I arrived, like what the fuck!?

"Uhhmm, Dani!..." Abby called her name to get her attention to no avail. She just kept on talking on and on... Gesturing and displaying with both her hands

Hearing that statement from my grandma made me felt like maybe she's been kidnapped by the Salvadors or something. Maybe they are making her talk under duress... It just came to me that grandma might be in danger while we're here discussing!" She said and gasped. "What if they really got her! Let's just make that call right now and..."

"Dani!" Both Abby and Samantha called her name at the same time to get her attention.

"What is it?" She looked towards them startled, wondering why they called her name in such a manner.

"He didn't rape her... You don't want to start accusing a guy of rape without getting your facts right you know... And I don't think grandma has been kidnapped as you believed, she has called like four times in the past three hours already remember?" Abby said somewhat seriously

"He didn't!?..." Danielle asked Abby with a surprise look on her face before turning towards her sister

"Really, Sam? He didn't rape you?"

"No sis! We can't say it's rape since I followed him to the hotel, and even though I would never give my consent considering my life would be in danger if I do, I still gave it somehow! I'm sure the hotel cameras would show how we couldn't take our hands off each other on our way to the room. Its a mystery I can't explain and hope grandma would be able to explain to us when she comes back from her meeting.

"Well duh!... He didn't rape you but he put his hands on you, didn't he!? He tried to kill you! If we couldn't nail him for rape then what about attempted murder? When grandma comes, we would insist to her that we want to press charges of attempted murder. It's high time guys like him who think they can do anything and get away with it all because they are rich know they are not above the law!'' Danielle talked on and on again without reserve.

"You don't agree with me? She asked looking towards Samanthwith her eyes slightly widened in surprise when she saw that Samantha and Abby were not as fired up as she was.

"Of course I agreed with you Dani but I just thought we should hear whatever grandma has to say first before making such a decision," Samantha replied gently to her sister but thought to herself...

'Of course, I don't agree with you!'. She wants to make Leo pay for what he did to her in her own way not to press charges. She wants to get him arrested just to embarrass and frustrates him, knowing he would eventually get out of it. But press charges!?... Nah

"Well, I don't agree with you, huh!" Danielle puffed, making Samantha and Abby laughed.

"So what's up with you and Dave?" Danielle asked with a wink, easily changing the subject. "He likes you... Damn sis! Everybody at the party could tell he likes you given how he couldn't concentrate on the games and all"

"Who is Dave?" Abby asked with a teasing smile looking towards Samantha.

"It's the doctor I told you about when I went for PEP. We met again at the party Dani invited me to and... That's it!"

"And that's not it! You cannot tell me you don't find him attractive because I won't believe you if you do. I know girls back when we were in school who would give an arm and a leg just to be able to sit with him for just five minutes"

"Well, sis does that include you, maybe?" Samantha teased sweetly

"Well back then, yeah! I had a crush on him, but not anymore. I am engaged now, in case you've not noticed that fact" Omolade said holding out her ring finger first to Samantha then Abby.

"He's cheating on you!" Samantha suddenly blurted out.

"What!?" Abby asked not believing what she just heard Samantha said. How could she know her sister's fiance was cheating when they recently both reconciled.

"Now how could you know that when you've not even met him!?" Danielle asked with her two hands placed on her waist

"When I've not even met who?" Samantha asked Danielle, looking confused

"You're kidding, right? Danielle rolled her eyes upward and laughed

"No, I'm not?" It seemed I zoned out for just a moment right now... Tell me what did I miss from the conversation?" Samantha looked expectantly from Danielle to Abby.

"Huh!?..." Danielle said with her mouth hung wide open

"You just told Dani that her fiance's cheating on her with a straight face. How could you dropped such a bombshell and claimed to have zoned out, are you crazy? Abby asked while seriously laughing at the look on Danille's face.

'I said what!? How could I have accused somebody I've not met of cheating?... That's unbelievable!' Samantha thought to herself looking confused.

"You think I don't know what you're doing eh? I know that you're trying to avoid the question about Dave, that was why you came out with that tactics to distract us. I'm telling you now that it's never going work! Better spill it out right now!"

"Yeah!... I want to hear that gist too so start spilling girl!" Abby laughingly urged Samantha too.

"I swear I'm not trying to avoid any question..." Samantha replied and also laughed. "But if you insist, I don't have any problem telling you." She shrugged her shoulders

"Dave is a nice guy but I don't like him that way"

"Well, you're lying sis! I don't believe you one-bit" Danielle replied

"Well I'm sorry you don't believe me but that's the truth."

"How could you think you don't like him that way when you've only talked to him for like three hours!?"

"Isn't that enough time to be able to tell if you're attracted to someone or not?... Anyway, I know for a fact because we kissed!"


"Huh!..." Abby and Danielle's mouths hung open before the room suddenly erupted with a scream from both of them.

"You both kissed already!?... Omg sis, you sure don't waste time at all!"

"Well go on!... Please continue, don't just live us hanging... How was the kiss?" Abby asked

Samantha also laughed at their energy and enthusiasm. "Well... It was just a kiss, nothing to it... The guy can kiss no doubt about that but compared to my knight in shining armor, Dave's kiss wasn't hot, it was tepid."

"Who is that again?... Hmm, bag girl! Your knight in shining armor, huh?... Tell me about him right now!" Danielle demanded bouncing on the bed beside Samantha.

Abby was in shock and Samantha went still, realizing too late what just came out of her mouth before covering her embarrassment with a coughing fit that wouldn't stop until Danielle who was patting her back stood up to go get water for her

"Keep patting her back, let me quickly get water," Danielle said and left the room. After Danielle left, Samantha suddenly stopped coughing, looking everywhere but her friend.

"Samantha, have you fallen in love with him?" Abby whispered, trying to catch Samantha's eyes that was looking at everything inside the room but her

"No now, what sort of question is that?"

"Are you sure?..." Abby probed dipper, still trying to catch Samanthas eyes

"I'm sure, alright... I mean why won't I be sure? I just talked about a kiss, how could you easily concluded that I've fallen in love with him when it was just a kiss I talked about!"

"Well maybe because your eyes refused to meet with mine!?... Okay, we'll talk about this later" Abby quickly said under her breath when Danielle hurried in with a glass of water.

Abby knew Danielle would freak out if she knows who Samantha was referring to as her knight in shining armor.

"How is she? Has the cough subsided? Is she okay now? We shouldn't have made you talk so much. How is your throat? It's aching, isn't it? Oh, I hate that bastard!... Danielle sat beside her sister on the bed and resumed parting her back, talking on and on to Abby and Samantha who has completely disappeared under the duvet out of embarrassment.

How can only one person asked about ten questions in like a second?' Samantha wondered to herself. 'I'm not in love with him, Dani made me say the wrong thing because she talks too much!" She assured herself.

Abby looked worried for her friend. 'Shes's in love with him!?' She thought to herself aghast. 'What kind of strange love is this!? Isn't she supposed to hate him considering the circumstances of how they met and everything else that has happened ever since?'