
The CEO'S feisty wife

It was a perfect plan to destroy both their families in one go. Manipulated with the aid of sorcery, Samantha and Leo were caught in-between their grandparent's old fraternity feud when they found themselves in a one night stand situation. The previous night was blurry. Samantha was aghast when she realized she was not in her dormitory room… "Did we have sex!?..." "Why can't I remember?..." Leo thought it was just a hook-up between two adults, only to learn he must marry her even if she was part of the group that killed his father. She hated him for taking away her innocence. He hated her for destroying his family and taking away his freedom. It was a huge misunderstanding that they must unravel and a feud they must overcome only if they could find love in the midst of their hatred for each other.

DaoistpaI7jP · Urban
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53 Chs

Chapter 25

Then why is Lincoln's grandson not on the news for the murder of Silver's granddaughter!?"

The death man's voice boomed out in with rage. It resounded throughout the whole mansion like a massive explosion, breaking windows and causing glass debris to rained down on both the inside and outside of the mansion.

The maid that was about to serve the young master of the house his breakfast felt the shock wave as it ripples around her before she was forcefully thrown hard against the nearby wall.

The impact knocked the breath out of her and she became disoriented. When she was finally able to pick herself up. Reflexively, she scurried under the dining table and hunched down for protection. Her eyes that had widen to their fullest, darted around with fear of what might come next.

"Well, don't just stay hunched down there like a frog. Go to the medic and get yourself checked then come back and clear this place right away!" Jason the young master of the house said stiffly before he stood from the table and calmly walked out of the dining room.

After her boss had left, the maid crawled out from under the dining table and walked on shaky legs towards the wing that the medic was situated. The injuries she sustained this time wasn't much compared to the previous ones. It was just a small bump at the back of her head where she hit it on the wall and a long tiny scratch down her right arm.

At the medic, she found the gardener and two other maids were already getting treated for their injuries. Except for the doctor giving the nurses directions as to what to do, nobody talked about the old master's explosive voice.

They dare not talk about it. They weren't even allowed to discuss with each other at all. If it was not about the business of the mansion, then don't discuss it inside the mansion! That was one out of many stern warnings given by the old master before the young master took over the management of the Moore family.

The only person who was not affected by the explosion was the young master himself. Jason Moore was the youngest and only surviving child of Robert Moore, whom Elizabeth Thomas referred to as the death man.

Jason calmly made his way to another wing at the back of the mansion where the explosion originated from. When he entered the living room, it was exactly how he had visualized it would be...

The temperature inside the back wing mansion that his father now resided was very cold. If it was an ordinary human that entered, the person would have immediately frozen to death.

Jason stood at the entrance to the living room for some seconds, taking in the mess around him. Even though the maids were warned to stay out of this part of the mansion, the place never for once looked untidy.

But right then, it looked like a storm had just passed through. Carefully, Jason made his way through the mess of household appliances and shattered glassware scattered all over the room towards where his father was standing, angrily rambling to himself about god knows what.

His was frothing at the mouth. Ranting and raving to himself like a crazed man. It pained and embarrassed Jason to see his father in such a situation. He wished his elder brothers were alive to see what their father had degenerated to.

Ever since Robert became obsessed with taking down the trio of Oracle, Lincoln and Silver, he has been killing himself slowly. The once bulky Robert was now shriveled and bent, looking like he might keel over and die at any moment.

The most painful thing to Jason was deciding on having his own father, who was once the patriarch of one of the well-known families in the country moved to the back wing of his own mansion. People gossiped about how cruel he was for making such an inhumane decision against his father, but if only they knew... If only they knew that the Roberts they once knew was no more. What was left of him would frighten even the devil himself.

His father had lost control of his elemental powers that were known to only him and the few members of his fraternity. He's now a walking and ticking time bomb and he had to make the decision of moving him to the farthest part of the mansion where the damages to life and properties would be minimal.

"Dad!" He called sharply towards his father who was oblivious to his presence, rambling away to whoever he was discussing with inside his head.

"What!?" Robert snapped and turned to face his son. His eyes were filled with rage. They looked hard and glittered like diamonds. His face, glistening with frost and his skin had become pasty white.

"You are slowly killing yourself, dad, can't you see that!? Your element is working against you. Slowly, slowly killing you!" Jason was shocked at this new change that just came over his father.

"Why is Silver's granddaughter not already dead!? Why is Lincoln's grandson not being charged for killing her!?...

Everything we tried after that gold digger failed to carry out her own part of the deal also failed! We sent Silver's granddaughter into the abyss and tried to freeze her to death with the combination of our elements, but surprisingly, she came out of it alive!

How did she manage to survive the attack from the both of us!?... They are kids Jason! Lincoln's grandson and Silver's granddaughter are mere, powerless kids! I couldn't even manage to kill some irrelevant kids! When did my life become this pathetic!?"

"Dad I think we should give up already!"

"Give up!? No!... Never! Giving up is not an option!"

"With what I've heard from you and the other fraternity members about the trio, then I would be disappointed in them if we find it easy to kill any member of their family."

"I killed his son Lionel, it wasn't that difficult..."

"We all know you caught him unaware dad and see where it got you... You're slowly wasting away..."

"Shut up your mouth and..." Robert shouted at his son to shut him up from saying any more hurtful talks that he considered rubbish.

"No dad, I won't this time!" Jason shouted back at his father. "I don't want to be part of this anymore!... This war that I don't know when it started... Your fraternity against their fraternity... I don't want to be part of it anymore dad... No more!

I want to get married one day... Have kids and live in peace... I don't want to live in fear of what if Lincoln gets to know who killed his son or what if Silver later gets to know who tried to kill her granddaughter for the rest of my life!" He pleaded for his father to understand his own point of view.

When Robert discovered that his last born son could control water and reads minds just like Mama silver. He was very happy and immediately brought him to be initiated into their fraction.

The first task giving to him by their fraternity head was to join hands with his father to send Silver's granddaughter into the Abyss, but the girl came out of it alive, and unscathed which surprised all of them. Right now, Jason didn't want to be part of the fraternity anymore. He didn't want to end up like his father.

"I'm afraid you have no choice son! That ship has sailed. You are already born with the power and you've been initiated. If you back out now, the whole fraternity will turn against you! They will never allow you to live in peace."

"Live in peace!?" Jason asked and scoffed. "You called this living in peace!?" He indicated towards the mess inside his father's living room. "And will you still stand by and watch while they sacrifice your only living son!?" He asked his father unbelievably.

"You had seven sons! Six out of your seven sons died during your lifetime because you will rather compare who's got the bigger balls between you and Lincoln than focus on protecting your own family!"

"Shut up your mouth you bastard!" Robert voice boomed out like a massive explosion which resounded throughout the whole mansion again. Jason's statement really hit home.

"Put aside your pride and think about what I've just said... Please I'm begging you, dad! It's already too late for you but not for me. The trio is clearly more powerful than our fraternity and I don't want to be part of fighting them anymore... No more!"

He said and calmly walked out from his father's presence.