
Chapter 1:

It was a beautiful Monday morning.

Mirabel was going to the country F to start her new life there, Mirabel was a beautiful girl who lived with her grandmother since she was born. She was told that her mother had died giving birth to her, so her grandmother had to take care of her alone because the rest of the family did not like them, she calls her grandmother Nanaa.

Nana has struggled a lot to take care of her so and she promised to give her a better life one day.

After college, she decided to move to country F and start a new.

Nanaa, where are you? The taxi is waiting for me. "I am going to miss my flight. she shouted across the living room.

Am here no need for you to shout, "she said with a smile on her face,I was just checking if you left anything behind.

Why do you have to move to country F when you can stay here with me , saying it with a sad face.

Nanaa, we have already talked about it. I will make sure I call you every day and don't forget to take your medicine.

Now I have to go before I miss my flight. Take good care of yourself. She gave

Nanaa, a big hug before getting into the car.

she arrived at the airport within an hour but she was in for a shock her flight was delayed by 3hrs.

How is this possible? How come my flight was delayed by 3 hours She said in a pissed tone. so she decided to look for her gate and wait.

When she got there, not a lot of people were there,

as she was waiting, she decided to text her best friend Alice


Alice: Sup, mirabel, are you at the airport

Mirabel: Yeah, but my flight was delayed

Alice: wtf, but don't forget to text or call me when you arrive.

Mirabel: Sure.

After that, she called her Nanaa to ease off time.

Finally, it was time for her to go.

This is my first book, and I hope you have a great time reading itYour gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Creation is hard. Cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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