

She tossed with the idea of knocking first, but then decided not to. She rehearsed her lines in her head, grabbed the handle and opened the door. Marx looked up from his laptop to the woman who barged into his office. He knew her. Arya. She was not supposed to be there “Welcome, I’ve been waiting for you.” He said sarcastically “Let us get married.” She said quickly “Excuse me?” “I heard you needed a wife, let’s get married.” “Where did you hear this?” “From a very reliable source.” “Even if i needed a wife why would I choose you?” “Because I am smart, reliable, dependable and at the end of this agreement I would divorce you in a heartbeat.” “Why do you want to get married? Parents?” “I’m an orphan. And I would like to keep my reasons to myself.” “Why didn’t you come to work yesterday?” “I had an accident on my way to work.” “I see.” He stood up from where he sat and walked towards her. “Why do you need a wife?” “For love and companionship.” “I find that very hard to believe.” “The same way I don’t believe your accident excuse.” He couldn’t help himself, he was seriously considering the idea of marrying her. He could state the terms guiding the marriage and she wouldn’t hound him for anything as she had something to gain from this. Plus he did not have much time or his parents will force their choices upon him. “I want to think about it.” “I want a response now.” “It will be a contract marriage, I need to draft out the terms regarding this plan” “That has nothing to do with you giving me a response.” “Fine, I accept.” What arya doesn't know is that marx is a supernatural, just as he doesn't know that she has cancer.. What happens when he finds out? What lengths will he go just to keep her with him? Would she still accept him even after finding out what he truly is? Follow this thrilling book to know more.

Excelhights · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter: Date.

The intercom rang in Arya's office. She picked it up.

"Hello?" she said into the phone

"Come to my office when you close for the day."

The line disconnected.

"Who was that?" Jamie asked

"Paula. It was nothing."

"I should get going, send me your drafts latest Friday."

"Yeah. Bye"

Jamie rose and saw himself out. Alice came in just after.

"I saw him leave."

"Yeah, we were working."

"Just working?" Alice wiggled her brows

"Please stop doing that with your brows and yes we were just working."

"Anyways, it's closing and Paula is waiting downstairs. Are you still busy?"

"Yeah, I've still got a lot of work today."

"But we were supposed to try this new restaurant today."

"I promise we'll go tomorrow."

"Fine. See you tomorrow."

Arya waited till the building was almost empty before going to his office. He sat behind his desk and gestured for her to sit.

She sat and he extended a document to her. It was the marriage contract. She read through it quickly. It was agreeable. She picked a pen from his desk and added full health coverage. This was what she cared about the most. Arya handed the paper back to him.

Marx read her addition and arched his brow. She shrugged in response

"We need to get to know each other better." Arya said

"How do you propose we do that?" Marx asked

"Three days in a week, we meet up for at least two hours and we discuss." "Okay. What days?" he inquired

"Our schedules may clash so we could work around and decide together."

"How about now, are you doing anything when you leave here?

"No." She answered

"Good let's head out."

"I'll go get my bag." Arya said

Marx picked his jacket and went to wait for her downstairs. She joined him and they entered his car. He drove out of the compound

"Where do you want to go?" he asked her

"There's an outdoor cinema not too far from here." Arya told him

"An outdoor cinema?" He arched a brow

"It'll be nice." She said confidently

"What movie would we be watching?"

"La La land. Have you watched it before?" she asked


"More reason why we have to go."

She gave him directions place. The lot was not crowded and the movie had not started. Marx parked the car and went to get them snacks.

He returned with popcorn, water, sodas and chocolate. He placed the drinks in the cup holder. Arya dug through the bag and selected the chocolate

"How many siblings do you have?" Arya asked him

"One. A younger sister, Josephine. What about you, any siblings?"

She noticed he smiled when he mentioned her

"An older brother, Jack."

"What happened to your parents?" he asked her

"Well, my mum committed suicide and my dad just left. I feel it's safe to assume his dead."

Jack was what happened to them, but she couldn't tell him that. It would mean getting into some long story which would probably scare him away.

"Sorry." He apologized

"No need to apologize, you didn't know them and they weren't good parents.

What about your parents?" she asked changing the conversation

"They are alive and annoying. They live far from here though. One day I'll take you to meet them."

"That would be nice."

"Are you comfortable with public display of affection?" Marx asked

"Well it won't be affection for us, just public display." Arya pointed out

Marx rolled his eyes

"I don't mind public display of affection. Why?"

"We may have to engage in occasional 'public display' so i wanted to know your stance on the issue."

Arya couldn't help thinking that was sweet and considerate of him.

"Should we practice now?"

"Practice?" he asked. His eyes danced with mirth

"Kissing, so if we have to do it outside it doesn't look like we're harassing each other."

"So you want to kiss me?" he asked

"Don't say it like that!" she scolded

"But that was what you said." Marx reminded her

"Forget I said anything."

She looked away from him, hoping the movie would start now to distract her.

"No need to act shy now." He called at her

Marx held her chin and guided her face towards his. Their eyes met

His was green

Hers was hazel

Her nose brushed against his

The movie started playing on the screen

Their lips moved against each slowly. Then they picked up speed., her lips part letting his tongue slip in and dance with hers.

They pulled away after a while

The car had grown hot.

The movie characters danced across the screen.

Arya's lips felt slightly swollen. She touched them with the tip of her fingers

"Don't tell me that was your first kiss?" he laughed

"Of course it wasn't." She quickly retorted

"Why are you acting all flushed?"

"Because I am flushed." Arya whispered

Marx kept laughing

"Stop laughing at me." She hit his shoulder

"Okay, okay. I'll stop now. This marriage thing may not be so bad after all."