
Whether You Acknowledged Or Not, She Was Your Daughter-in-law

Translator: Larbre Studio Editor: Larbre Studio

Mo Yixuan used the word nice to describe her. In his heart, the girl he chose as his wife was gentle and considerate, and was very nice to him. The most important thing was that he felt no pressure with her.

Li Qin chuckled, a bit of disdain flitting through her eyes.

"You are stupid!" She glared at her son and said angrily, "She is kind to you, simply because of your status, because she wanted to marry into our Mo family. She is just a woman who would try every means to achieve her goal."

Mo Yixuan, "Mom, can't you think of her in a positive way? I have told you that she was not that kind of girl!"

Li Qin snorted.

Think on the bright side. She was thinking on the bright side.

"In my opinion, you are blinded by appearance!" She slapped her son on the shoulder.

She was really irritated, furious to the extreme.

She was so angry that she wanted to hit others.