
Whether He Was His Child Or Not, He Would Not Want

Translator: Larbre Studio Editor: Larbre Studio

"Wait a minute. I'll go and inform them."

Although confused, the guard still rushed inside the castle to inform butler Lu.

From a distance, Lu Ming saw a mother and a daughter outside the castle. He pressed his thin lips tightly, an elusive emotion quickly flashing past his eyes and soon disappearing.

He turned around and went into the elevator to the third floor, then came to the leftmost bedroom.

He pressed the doorbell. The door, however, was not opened.

He pressed again.

At this time, the man inside got up irritably and opened the door.

"What's the matter?" Ye Hao asked impatiently, whose voice contained a trace of huskiness that was clearly audible.

Since he had cried, his eyes were still a little red and swollen. Haggardness and sadness could be seen clearly.

Xixi had fallen asleep in her dad's big bed.

"Mr. Ye, Miss Han Xue is here again, and her..."

"Let her go!"