
Where Is This Child From?

Translator: Larbre Studio Editor: Larbre Studio

She started from the shoe shop, then entered the cosmetic shop and the jewelry shop...In less than three hours, this woman had spent $300,000. Her shopping bags filled her cart.

"Alright, carry these to the car. I'm done with my shopping." Xia Yuwei looked at her shopping bags. She did not really like the things she bought but shopping was the only way to relieve some of the annoyance she felt that day.

Liang Mu pointed at the large childcare store nearby.

"Uh, would you be buying something for your son?" Liang Mu was stunned. So this was the rich passed their time. As for Xia Yuwei, she was a mother but all the things she bought were for herself. She did not buy anything for her husband nor her child.

Xia Yuwei frowned at the childcare store ahead. It was obvious that she did not want to enter that store.