
Wasn't She Infertile?

Translator: Larbre Studio Editor: Larbre Studio

After they arrived at the hospital, Mo Yixuan ignored her protests. He paid money and dragged her into the gastroenterology consultation room.

She emerged from the room less than two minutes later.

The doctor asked about her condition and when he saw that she was pregnant, he couldn't decide whether she had vomited because of her pregnancy or if it was because of her gastric problem. Thus, he told the nurse to bring her to the gynaecology department downstairs to confirm that it wasn't morning sickness before returning.

Mo Yixuan followed them downstairs and his face was immediately leached of all color when he saw that the nurse had brought her to the gynaecology department. His legs felt as though they were rooted to the spot and he froze in stunned silence.

A feeling of dread crept up on him and he felt his heart racing. Wasn't the gynaecology department a place where only pregnant ladies went? Was she pregnant?