
This Aunty Looks a Little Familiar

Translator: Larbre Studio Editor: Larbre Studio

"The child is afraid of strangers," Li Qin said as she pulled her grandson into her embrace. This child was usually such a lively child, so she didn't understand why he suddenly refused to acknowledge this woman.

"Aunty," Mo Ye who had been standing quietly in the corner suddenly spoke and blinked curiously at Li Yumo, then at Shu Man. His fingers kept twisting around the corners of his clothes.

Li Qin and Li Ya both froze and looked at each other in dismay. She had not told the child to say that, so why…

"And this is…?" Li Yumo asked as she looked at Ye Ye. This child seemed to be around the same age as Yuan Yuan and she had initially thought that they were twins but they didn't look alike at all. This child's skin was darker and his eyes were smaller and he had single eyelids. He wasn't an ugly child but he wasn't blessed with looks that were as lovely as Yuan Yuan's.