
Their First Interaction Together

Translator: Larbre Studio Editor: Larbre Studio

The concierge served two piping bowls of beef noodles.

Mo Yixuan was famished, so he finished one large bowl of noodles in less than three minutes while He Xiyan barely ate one-third of her bowl.

She ate very slowly and she was so excited that she kept stealing glances at the man who sat beside her. This was the man whom she had been infatuated with for more than a year.

He was truly very handsome and no matter which angle she stared at him, she couldn't find any flaws in his looks.

"Are you still hungry?" she asked softly. She noticed that he was scarfing down his food as though he was very hungry.

She hesitated for a brief moment before she scooped up a large scoop of noodles and tried to give it to him.

She didn't place the noodles into his bowl because she wasn't certain whether he would eat food that had been in her bowl.

He shook her head but he was still smiling warmly and his smile reminded her of a summer breeze.