
She Left

Editor: Larbre Studio

In the evening, the light from the setting sun shone into the Mo family home, casting the entire house in its sad, beautiful glow.

Up in the master bedroom on the second floor, He Xiyan was packing her belongings.

A change of clothes, shoes, socks, towels….she only took away her daily necessities and packed them away into a medium sized travel suitcase.

She had personally overseen the decorations of this room and selected the furniture here, but this room will no longer be hers to live in.

She turned to look at a 60-inch wedding portrait on the wall. The portrait had captured her smile, dazzling and sweet, her arms around the man by her side, a picture of bliss, in sharp contrast to her current worn and gaunt features.

He would probably throw this away tonight.

She shook her head helplessly, a wry smile on her face.

She laughed at herself.