
She Had No Brother

Translator: Larbre Studio Editor: Larbre Studio

Seeing her grandma angry, she, however, was not afraid. She frowned and suddenly pointed to Ye Chenyu beside her grandma.

"Grandma, he stole my doll." Xixi said angrily, and after that, she pouted her mouth, quite unhappy.

Upon hearing this, Han Xue grasped her fingers tightly, eyes surging with burning anger. From her fluctuating chest, one could see how furious she was and that she had endured it to the utmost.

"Aunt, little Yu is still so young. When seeing something he likes, he will naturally reach for it. How can it be called stealing?" Han Xue argued. After that, she gave Xixi a fierce glare.

Xixi also glared back at Han Xue.

"He's a thief. He's just a thief." Xixi shouted excitedly, her small hands clenched into fists suggesting her deep anger.

She hated it when others took her dolls.

Xia Jingshu sighed irritably, looking at her granddaughter with more displeasure.