
She Couldn't Afford to Go Through Such Anguish a Second Time

Translator: Larbre Studio Editor: Larbre Studio

A black Hummer suddenly braked just a few kilometers away from the courts. Ye Hao's face was grim and he looked listless as he sat in the car. 

He leaned against the steering wheel and even though his eyes were slightly closed, it couldn't hide his anguish and sorrow. He couldn't help but recall the events from several years ago. Four years ago, he had received a call from her while he was in a meeting and that had been the day that Xi Xi has been born and when he had become a father. He still remembered how excited and emotional he had been that day and also remembered holding her hand tightly by her hospital bed as he promised to look after their daughter together. He also promised that they would always be together as a family. 

He remembered that she told him on more than one occasion that she was very fortunate to have met him and that she was grateful for his care and tolerance.