
Please Don’t Tell Him

Translator: Larbre Studio Editor: Larbre Studio

He Xiyan walked along the road and she would have to walk close to 1,000 meters before she arrived at her residence. She was afraid that others would harass her and was also afraid that he might come to visit again, so she rented her apartment out and was now living in an apartment that Ye Hao had found on her behalf. This was the East Chen district of Shen City and was more than 10 kilometers from her previous residence.

As though she sensed danger, she looked warily around her surroundings but was still startled when a black commercial car parked along the side of the road.

The window slowly rolled down and the person in the car stuck out his head to greet her.

"He Xiyan…" A man's voice called out to her and the surprise was clear in his voice.

Similarly, He Xiyan was stunned.

As recognition dawned, she immediately turned away and her heart pounded so fast it was as though it was about to burst.