
Parcel Out Of Nowhere

Translator: Larbre Studio Editor: Larbre Studio

Recently, she was almost sixty kilograms heavy, growing weight all over. Sometimes she would gasp when walking a little farther. Going on like this, she was afraid that she would grow more than sixty-five kilograms by the time of anticipated childbirth in the beginning of September.

Thinking about that weight, He Xiyan felt terrible. Her mother-in-law, however, didn't think so.

"Yanyan, you have been pregnant for more than six months already. The baby grows fast now. You must eat more so that the baby born in the future will be healthier, taller and stronger."

(He Xiyan)...

He Xiyan did not know what to say, only smiling with embarrassment.

She thought, if she continued eating like that, she would probably be too heavy to walk till the time of childbirth.

Ye Hao came back from work.