
No More Going Back to Ex

Translator: Larbre Studio Editor: Larbre Studio

At the hospital -

A gynecologist in her fifties took off her mask and combed strands of hair with her hand while walking out of the ER room.

"Doctor, how's my daughter-in-law?" Li leaped forward the second she saw her, dragging her son with.

The doctor offered her a nod in courtesy and a brief smile.

"Ma'am, you're too antsy. The baby is all well, and I can clearly hear its heartbeats. The mother does not show any sign of illness except she seemed a bit down in spirits. I hope you could try not to be extra nervous as it is possible that your anxiety will lay pressure on the mother."

The doctor said explained, frowning at the family which, to her understanding, was making a fuss out of an utterly normal situation.

"Is she really okay?" Li was not assured by the doctor's words, not letting go of her sleeve.

The doctor had to give her a firm nod.

"She's truly okay." Having said that, the doctor parted.