
No Answer To Phone Calls

Translator: Larbre Studio Editor: Larbre Studio

Intuition told her that her phone calls were directly declined by the other side this time.

Jiahang must be unwilling to answer her phone calls.

How could he?

He Xiyan felt a sudden suffocation in her heart, feeling as if the blood in her body flowed backward.

She stroked her chest, which was stuffy and uncomfortable.

She began to think about various reasons why Jiahang didn't want to answer her phone. Did he hung up accidentally? He hated her? He...

However, no matter what the reason was, He Xiyan cannot figure out or accept for a while.

She just wanted to know about him and how he was now, that was all.

Although she had never asked, she was actually worried about him these past few years.

If he led a good life, she would feel at ease and be delighted at his happiness.

Unwilling to give up, He Xiyan called again.

This time, just after the call was got through, there was a prompting tone: