
Mother Was Not In The Castle

Translator: Larbre Studio Editor: Larbre Studio

Mo Yixuan couldn't care less. After getting out of the car, he thumped the iron door directly, which even woke up Little Wang in the guard room.

"Who is that?" Little Wang was furious since he was woken up just as he was having a rest. 

It was so late. Hadn't the people in the castle come back already?

Mo Yixuan shouted, "Open the gate!"

Mo Yixuan shouted loudly outside.

At this time, his heart beat very fast, because he was really afraid that what the message said was true.

With an overcoat on, Little Wang came out, staring at Mo Yixuan with displeasure, "What are you doing? Why are you here in the middle of the night?"

Although this man was the father of Yuanyuan and would occasionally come over, yet he came so late, for what?

"I have something urgent with my son. Open the gate."

Mo Yixuan said impatiently, with a suitable excuse.