
Kept A Close Watch

Translator: Larbre Studio Editor: Larbre Studio

Wang Juan shook her head, appearing a little weak, saying.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Mo, I think of a lot of ways, but Yuanyuan is still unwilling to speak or eat. It's been a whole day, but he haven't eaten anything."

Wang Juan felt that she was in serious trouble this time and that she couldn't go on with this job. This child was not naughty, but indeed stubborn. She hadn't seen a child, who was only a little over one year old, so difficult to calm.

Mo Yixuan waved his hand, but did not utter any word of reproach.

He knew clearly how they brought Yuanyuan back, which might exert a bad influence on this child.

He sat beside Yuanyuan and then scooped a spoonful of porridge, holding it to Yuanyuan's mouth, saying, "Yuanyuan, eat first. When you are full, dad will take you to see mom later, okay?"

Mo Yixuan said with a smile.

As soon as he said so, Yuanyuan suddenly turned his head to look at him, his eyes, swollen due to crying, widely opened.