
It Is Illegal To Carry A Pistol With You

Translator: Larbre Studio Editor: Larbre Studio

In the morning, He Xiyan got up with her husband together, which was rare because of pregnancy. With eleven weeks of pregnancy, she was now much better, no longer so sleepy but vomiting sometimes.

The wound on Ye Hao's neck almost healed. The mark of the wound, however, still remained.

She found the ointment, put a little on her index finger and gently applied it onto the scar.

"Remember not to eat seafood or spicy food. No, I'll let the driver bring you lunch at noon." While helping paste a band-aid on his wound, He Xiyan reminded him for fear that he eat something that would inflame the wound.

Ye Hao smiled faintly. He reached out his hand and patted her on the face.

"I got it!"

"Also don't fight with others any more." He Xiyan said seriously.

He didn't know how nervous she was when she knew he was injured. This should never ever happen again.