
I Am Currently With Ye Hao

Translator: Larbre Studio Editor: Larbre Studio

'Yan Yan, what are you doing?'

Ye Hao froze and his brows slammed together in a deep frown.

He looked at the account that sent her this text message and saw that the sender's alias was a string of English words, but his profile picture seemed to be…. 

Mo Yixuan? 

Ye Hao's face hardened after he guessed that Mo Yixuan had sent the text message.

He clicked on the sender's profile picture and saw that it was indeed that detestable man.

Yan Yan no longer had anything to do with him, so why was Mo Yixuan still sticking his nose into her business?

Ye Hao thought for a moment and he was tempted to delete the text message when her phone beeped with another text message notification.

'Yan Yan, shall we bring Yuan Yuan overseas over the National Day holiday? Where would you like to go?"

Ye Hao was speechless and he glared angrily at her phone's screen.