
I'll Always Be by Your Side

Translator: Larbre Studio Editor: Larbre Studio

A black sedan car drove into the castle in the wee hours of the morning and Ye Hao disembarked from the car. He was dressed in a large jacket and his footsteps were hurried while he looked more upset than usual.

It was extremely quiet inside the castle and the lights were all turned off in every room. There was only a sliver of light along the corridor.

He gently opened the door, afraid of disturbing his wife who was probably already asleep. He softly padded into the room and saw that only the nightlight was turned on. The milky white lamp seemed a little dim but the light was very soft and it didn't hurt his eyes.

He walked to their bedside and just as he thought, his wife was already asleep but he noticed that she seemed a little pale and he could even see the worry written on her face.

Yan Yan…

Ye Hao sat by the bedside and pulled the blankets closer to her. Then, he gently brushed aside the hair from her face.

I'm sorry, Yan Yan…