
How Could You Fall For Such A Man

Translator: Larbre Studio Editor: Larbre Studio

After that family left in a hurry, silence finally fell upon the house.

It was so quiet that only the sounds of breathing could be heard.

He Xiyan slammed the door shut and locked it, afraid that they might visit again.

She dragged Ye Hao to the sofa and went to take an ice cube from the refrigerator, then carefully used a handkerchief to wrap it. The ice cube was extremely cold and her hands were frozen stiff as she held it.

"Use this first." She gently pressed the handkerchief that contained the ice cube to Ye Hao's cheek. Her heart suddenly ached, as though an insect had bitten it.

This was all her fault. She had caused so much trouble and he even came all the way here only to end up getting into a fight because of her. His face was swollen and she could even see bruises under his neck.

"Does it hurt?" She asked in a small voice as tears clouded her eyes.

"What do you think?" Ye Hao glanced at her with a scowl.