
He Would Starve Together with Her

Translator: Larbre Studio Editor: Larbre Studio

"Aunty…" Yuan Yuan stretched out his tiny arms and ran toward Qin Xiaoyu in excitement when he spotted her.

Qin Xiaoyu was also looking at Yuan Yuan and a small smile danced on her lips without her realizing when she saw him but her smile froze when she saw Yuan Yuan's swollen eyes.

"Yuan Yuan…" Qin Xiaoyu knelt down, her heart aching for the child, and reached through the metal grates to gently stroke Yuan Yuan's flushed cheeks. She had never seen the child so haggard.

Li Qin quickly pulled Yuan Yuan away and said sullenly, "Thanks for dropping by but could I ask you to take all these things away? Yuan Yuan doesn't lack anything here and even if he does, we would buy him new ones."

Li Qin's voice dripped with condescension and treated Qin Xiaoyu like a lowly servant.

Qin Xiaoyu's face flushed in anger at Li Qin's attitude.

She glared angrily at Li Qin and her eyes flashed with rage.