
He Has Gone Mad

Translator: Larbre Studio Editor: Larbre Studio

As she walked past the living room, she ran into Wu Xiaomin who was mopping the floor once more. 

That cruel and selfish woman was finally gone.

Xia Yuwei slowed down and looked coldly at Wu Xiaomin. This was a maid who seemed to never got along with her.

"Why are you staring? No matter what you think of me, I was once the mistress of this household. This is unlike someone who would remain a cleaner for the rest of her life," Xia Yuwei's red lips curved into a smile as she glared at Wu Xiaomin.

She had nothing but contempt for a maid like that. Then, she pulled her luggage and walked out of the Mo household.

She never wanted to lead this life again where she had been ignored and treated coldly by a man like that. From this day on, she would start life afresh.