
Do You Like Me?

Translator: Larbre Studio Editor: Larbre Studio

Xiyan brought out a sheet and blanket she bought online for warmer weather and put them on the couch. It could be quite cold at night in the city.

"Stay warm so you don't get a cold," she talked to him as if he were some five-year-old while smoothing the sheet.

Hao watched her doing everything. Even though she tried to hide it, he still noticed her eyes brimming with tears, and her sorrow was just too enormous to neglect.

"He Xiyan…" Hao found himself take her hand, a tiny, slender, warm hand.

Xiyan paused, her eyes drifting from their hands to the man looking at her sternly. She frowned, uncertain what he was going to do, and tried to pull her hand out but his grip was too firm.

Hao led her to sit beside him and gently held her shoulders. How come she's still so skinny with a baby in her?

He gazed at her, her face pink from nervousness.