
Checking For Eleven Infectious Diseases

Translator: Larbre Studio Editor: Larbre Studio

Li Qin was frightened and panicked. She felt that nothing went smoothly in Mo family recently. What was worse, Xia Yuwei was a bitch by nature. Who knew whether she used to have hepatitis or something else before?

"Well, fine, Yixuan, you just go and to pray for a peace of mind."

Mo Yixuan drove the car to a large hospital nearby. After parking there, he went to the infectious disease prevention center of the hospital and said directly to the doctor.

"Prescribe me a blood test list and I will go check for the eleven infectious diseases."

The doctor was frightened. It was the first time for him to see such a patient who asked to check for eleven infectious diseases.

"Is there anything wrong with you?" The doctor frowned, doubted. He simply felt that the person in front of him was quite strange, who, dressed decently, looked like an elite in business. The most important thing was that he looked quite familiar by appearance.