
A Familiar Silhouette

Translator: Larbre Studio Editor: Larbre Studio

It was completely silent within this 50-square-meters top-class VIP ward.

A young man and woman sat on the sofa in the ward.

The man was Yu Zhe, the second son of Ye Sr. He was 26 years old this year and he was handsome, debonair and charming. He was not involved in the world of business but moved in entertainment circles. He was often named in dating scandals involving popular starlets or models and was well-known as the richest playboy in Ye City.

Ye Zhe was dressed casually and his legs were crossed, as though he was not too concerned about his father lying on the hospital bed. He kept swiping at his phone screen and it was hard to tell whether he texting someone or playing a game.

The woman was Ye Shiyu. She was twenty years of age this year and she was a beautiful university student with fine features. She would check on her father who lay on the hospital bed from time to time, so see if he had awakened.