
Chapter 4 I've Never Been So Speechless in My Life

When was it her turn to give the order to inform him?

Alex Black frowned, his dark eyes were deep, staring at the back of Emily White who decided to leave.

Early the next morning.

As soon as Alex Black came down from the second floor, Vivian Miller followed him.

She couldn't get permission to go to the second floor last night, so she could only live in the first floor guest room. One can imagine Pei The Don's attitude towards her.

Today was the day Alex Black and Emily White divorced, and she didn't want to miss the thrill of admiring the woman's defeated expression.

Snatched from others, most of them are fragrant.

Given how much Alex Black loves Vivian Miller now, he naturally let her accompany him.

When they arrived at the Civil Affairs Bureau, the two cars just stopped.

From the rearview mirror, Alex Black saw Emily White riding a small eDonkey, wearing a headset, humming a song, and parked beside his car leisurely. handsome.

Emily White is still in the same simple dress, plain face, T-shirt and jeans, but there is an indescribable energy in her.

Alex Black couldn't tell what it was either.

It felt like... Emily White was looking forward to divorcing him, and this expectation even made her look more beautiful than usual.

This realization made him very uncomfortable.

He honked the horn and spoke softly to Vivian Miller, "Vivian, wait here, I'll be back in a while."

"Okay." Vivian Miller held Alex Black's hand reluctantly, for fear that others would not know that she was Alex Black's incumbent.

Emily White naturally saw the two, but she ignored them.

Turned around and entered the Civil Affairs Hall.

Alex Black looked back and only saw Emily White's back, feeling indescribably unhappy.

Emily White also signed faster than he expected.

Alex Black sat next to her in a suit, and paused for a moment to write, "Emily White, what do you want, I can make it up to you."

"No." Emily White resolutely retorted.

She smiled, got up and took out a gold card from her butt pocket and threw it on Alex Black's face, "This is the price for sleeping with you in the past three years, three million, I will compensate you. From now on, we will return to the bridge." , the way back, don’t say I’m your ex-wife when you go out."

Alex Black, "..."

staff member:"……"

Emily White had never had such a good day, she ignored the cloud and anger on Alex Black's face, treating him like air.

The love that had been accumulated in her heart for so many years was locked in a small dark room by her at that moment. Like him, she was sentenced to life imprisonment.

What is there to love about a man like him who is always on the go?

If this Vivian Miller can be snatched away today, that Vivian Zhang can be abducted tomorrow! Emily White was in so much pain in her heart that she kept suggesting to herself that she should smile and smile.

When she left the Civil Affairs Bureau, her smile froze.

Alex Black then came out with a stinking face, and saw the reporters outside, his handsome face was as cold as ice.

"Emily White, this is why you hit me with three million dollars?"

Emily White gave him a bewildered look.

"Which media do you intend to disclose the inside information to? How much did they pay you?"

"Do you think I sold the news of our divorce to the media, and then threw money at you in the face, just to buy it for a while?" Emily White has never been so speechless in her life.

It's true that she grew up in the countryside. She really loves to grow vegetables at home and take care of flowers and plants. There is nothing wrong with taking care of the elderly at home, but...

That doesn't mean she's poor!

Alex Black grabbed Emily White's wrist, he didn't expect that when Emily White met him, he would make such a scandal out of him.

"I will double the money they give you, keep it up!"

The flash photographed the scene of the two chattering, but no one dared to go up and listen carefully to what they had to say.

Vivian Miller watched worriedly from the car.

These reporters are really wasting her painstaking efforts!

She simply opened the door and got out of the car, and ran to Alex Black, "Alex, I'm afraid, there are so many people..."

As soon as she appeared, Alex Black let go of Emily White.

Emily White smiled and stood in front of Alex Black and Vivian Miller. From a certain angle, she seemed to be protecting the two behind them.

She smiled decently at the camera, "I'm sorry to appear in front of you with this identity and perspective. I am Emily White, a woman from the countryside. After three years as Mr. Black, I finally realized that our marriage has an insurmountable gap." Chasm, I am willing to let go and wish Alex Black and Ms. Miller happiness."

She was not afraid of the indiscriminate bombardment of dozens of shots, nor did she pay attention to the tricky torture of the reporters.

Emily White consciously stood in front of the three most authoritative media outlets, and formally bid farewell to Mr. Black calmly and gracefully.

Alex Black hadn't expected it.

There was a trace of chapping on his handsome face, but he hid it very quickly, without anyone noticing, and he returned to indifference in a moment.

He embraced Vivian Miller, protected her in his arms, and strode forward.

The reporters carried long guns and short cannons, and all questions were silently dismissed with Alex Black's cold face.

Vivian Miller wanted to speak, but as soon as his eyes met with a certain reporter, he was pushed into the car. But Alex Black is a gentleman to help her tuck up her skirt and fasten her seat belt.

She could only feel relieved, anyway, she followed Alex Black to show her face in front of the media.

She has already thought about the headlines of the news: The president of the Delight Corporation is divorcing for love, is Bai Yueguang in his heart actually her?

Afterwards, she made a high-profile appearance again, telling the story of Alex Black and her good looks. Who would still remember the unknown Emily White?

Thinking about it, Vivian Miller showed a certain smile, but she didn't notice that Alex Black beside her had bruised veins in his hand holding the steering wheel, and his face became more and more ugly.

After passing a traffic light, the car slammed to a stop on the side of the road.

"Ah!" Vivian Miller was quite frightened.

Alex Black turned sideways with a cold look on his face.

At this time, in his headset, the assistant's voice was urgent, "Mr. Black, the news of your divorce has not been stopped, and The New Yorker has hit the headlines."

"Let their boss get rid of it himself!" Alex Black suppressed the fire, still need to teach this thing?

"It can't be withdrawn, their boss doesn't answer the phone at all. And it's also on the Internet, and it's about to hit the top of the hot list. The entries are not good for us. Some partners have already called to inquire about your situation. It's..."

Alex Black squeezed the space between his brows, and was stunned for a moment.

how can that be possible?

In the past, he didn't need to take this kind of thing to heart, and the public relations department put out all the signs.

He thought that the besieging by reporters was nothing more than a trick of Emily White, a woman who had failed in her marriage.