
Chapter 3 Pregnancy checkup with mistress

"Didn't you say you took medicine?"

Alex Black stood behind Emily White and asked coldly.

Emily White couldn't vomit anything, her stomach was burning badly, she vomited for a while and raised her head, her face was haggard and weak.

In the mirror, the two looked at each other.

Seeing her like this, Alex Black suppressed his irritability a lot. He handed over the tissue, but found that he couldn't find anything else to say besides questioning her.

Emily White washed her face, her movements were rough, she poured water on her face casually, and rubbed her face roughly.

She knew that Alex Black had always looked down on herself, and she used to pretend to be gentle and ladylike in front of him, but now it was over, and there was no need for it.

"I'm not pregnant, don't get me wrong." Emily White had a cold expression. After wiping her face and hands, she tied her hair back into a ponytail.

"That's good." Alex Black turned and walked out with a calm expression.

Emily White stopped him suddenly, "Alex Black!"

He turned slightly sideways, as dignified and stern as ever.

"Did you like me a little bit in the past three years?" Even just a little bit.

Alex Black frowned when he heard this, and the restlessness in his heart came up again.

After Vivian returned to China, he would always think about the past, as long as he saw Emily White, he would feel annoyed.

"No." Alex Black said decisively.

Emily White felt sad in her heart. She worked hard for three years, trying her best to act like he liked, but she couldn't get any liking. That's good too, so that she won't regret and regret when she leaves.

Such a blind-eyed and cold-hearted dog man, what a pity she is!

After thinking about it, Emily White strode forward, passed Alex Black and went out first.

Outside, Vivian Miller was still kneeling on the ground, about to cry, with a dainty look, watching Alex Black come out with Emily White, feeling jealous in his heart, "Alex! How is it? Is Emily White okay?"

Alex Black hurried forward to help Vivian Miller up, "You can't kneel for a long time when you are pregnant, get up quickly."

"Tell me first if Ms. White is okay? If she really has a child, I will die of guilt." Vivian Miller looked worried.

Here The Don is also worried about Emily White, "Emily, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, it's just that my stomach is not feeling well these few days, and I feel a little nauseous." During the three days when Alex Black filed for divorce, she was so hungry that she couldn't eat, so it's no wonder her stomach didn't reflux.

"Grandpa knows you are a sensible child, don't be afraid, grandpa will make decisions for you, you don't have to be afraid of him." The Don leaned on a cane and stood in front of Emily White, blocking Alex Black's gaze, as if his grandson was a scourge.

Alex Black's expression was a little speechless, "Old man, I am your own grandson!"

"What's the use of having a grandson? My grandson can't see my grandson-in-law!" The old man couldn't make sense when he was muddled, but Emily White thought he was cute like this.

People, they all compare their hearts to their hearts, and exchange warmth for warmth. At the beginning, Emily White saved The Don by chance. During the three years in Pei's house, she did not get the love of Alex Black, but got the affection of The Don.

Not bad either.

"Grandpa, I'm really not pregnant."

"I don't believe it." Pei The Don pointed at Alex Black, "Come here and take your wife to the hospital for a checkup. I'll ask Uncle Joe to arrange a car and go right away!"

Alex Black hesitated, "What about Vivian?"

"go together!"

Emily White's eyes darkened. She didn't want to be with Vivian Miller. If Vivian Miller fell down, she might be blamed for the divorce.

She doesn't want to!


Only then did Emily White speak, and The Don waved his hand, grabbing Alex Black's sleeve and pulling him in front of Emily White, "You take your wife, Cher takes Vivian Miller, and you check together."

Vivian Miller caught Alex Black's hand in mid-air.

She was secretly sulking, so she had to turn her head to look at Amy Black, showing a flattering smile, "Xue'er, then I will trouble you."

Amy Black stared at Alex Black's warning gaze, and was completely embarrassed, "No trouble, no trouble."

The four came to the hospital together.

The test result was naturally that Vivian Miller was pregnant, but Emily White was not.

Alex Black was holding two pregnancy test sheets, and his eyes fell heavily on Emily White's one, even a hint of disappointment flashed across it.


Vivian Miller took Alex Black's arm, "Emily White is not pregnant, do you feel sorry? After all, you have been together for three years..."

She was about to cry as she spoke.

Alex Black pinched her face, "How come, this is the best result now."

Emily White stood not far from the two of them and could hear them clearly.

After returning to Pei's house and telling The Don the result, Alex Black and Emily White were called into the study together for a conversation.

"Alex, are you really going to divorce Emily and marry that Vivian Miller?"

Alex Black took a look at Emily White, and it wasn't until the moment he was about to divorce that he realized that Emily White's profile was clean and beautiful, which didn't match her village girl's dress.

Emily White looked up at Alex Black, answered for him, and answered for herself, "Grandpa, you don't have to ask, we both agree to divorce. I will move out tonight."

The grandfather and grandson were silent for a while.

Emily White stood up first, "Alex Black, don't be late for the divorce formalities at nine o'clock tomorrow."