
The CEO'S Crazy Fashionista Wife

Alexander Mercredi, fashion genius, orphan, and enslaved, antisocial billionaire, transmigrates into the bastard heiress of the Kang Family, Kang Iseul. Alexander is determined to be free and happy in this life, status be damned. No one, not even dastardly wicked family members nor roguishly beautiful men will stand in her way.

Psycho_Dame · Urban
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A Second Chance

 Alexander whimpered as pain coursed through her veins, feeling like she was being flayed alive. Agony like she'd never felt before, had her screaming. Though no sound seemed to pass through her lips.

 She clutched her head as her ears rang so loud, she thought she'd go deaf. Tears slipped down her eyes, unbidden. This was more painful than that time she'd been whipped by her aunt for missing a deadline.


 Her head shot up so fast she thought it'd roll off. A girl stood before her, a smile painted on her lips. She was pretty, like a doll. Her hair was so dark that it contrasted quote noticeably with sugar-pale skin and rosebud lips. She was really, really pretty, Iseul noted, which was a huge compliment considering she'd seen a lot of beautiful women through her window, at least.

"I'm Iseul, Kang Iseul" The girl, Iseul, said sweetly. Her voice soft and lilting, almost like the tinkling of bells. She was Asian, Alex noticed, probably Korean.

"I'm Ale....."

"Alexander Mercredi, I know" Iseul interrupted with that sweet smile kneeling in front of her to be at eye level, "We don't have much time"

"Time for what? Where am I? Who are you?!" Alex rattled off getting progressively lucif.

"You died, Alexander. On October 5th at exactly 2am, you died"

"What?" Alex breathed out. Immediately, a barrage of memories hit her almost knocking her out with the force. Hers and another's, Iseul's.

Pain. It was all painful.


There was a lot of laughter, yes, but enough tears to override it. Then, acceptance. Numbness. Somehow, this was way worse than the pain she'd seen. Not as worse as she'd been through at least.

"You're being given another chance at life, as me" The girl told her calmly, seemingly ignoring her pained expression, "You'll live in my body with my memories and yours"

"I'm sorry?"

"You're not obligated to life how I lived, it was a nightmare" She said softly, "Be happy, Alexander. Just...please, be happy.....for both of us"

"What about you?" Alex heard herself asking, her voice sounded strange to her own ear. Like she was underwater.

The girl merely smiled, a tiny smile filled with relief and melancholy and hope. She rose back to her feet, the skirt of her gown fluttering softly.

"It's time for you to go, Alex" Iseul breathed taking a step backwards, "I'm rooting for you, Alexander. It was nice to meet you and I'm glad it's you"

 Alex watched, unable to move or speak, as Iseul turned gracefully walking off into the glare of the light overhead. Her eyes grew heavy despite her best efforts, fluttering softly. She felt her like her soul left her body curling into herself as she let herself drift, no longer resisting.

Wasn't this how the old Alexander was? Always rolling with things as they came, living life a day at a time. She sighed and let go, letting her eyes close and her brain fogged over.

A second chance. No dangerous past to fight and no expectations to live up to. To live not for the Mercredi family nor for her aunt's fashion house but for herself. 

And Kang Iseul.

For Alexander Mercredi and for Kang Iseul. Two children who'd had their childhood taken from them. 

She'd fulfil Kang Iseul's wish in exchange for a second chance - whatever it takes.

Then, it was dark. 

Painless and dark.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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