

             Isabella walked out of the dining room to the living room to look for Ethan but was disappointed when she didn't find him. She was hoping he would be there, cause she had to talk to him urgently. Since she came back to this house, aside from the first day, Ethan had been avoiding her, and she didn't find it funny.

         He wasn't supposed to avoid her, it was meant to be the other way round. He should be clinging unto her for finally waking up after twelve years, or was he suddenly not attracted to her anymore? Either way, she planned on finding out today, and she wouldn't take a negative answer from him.

       "Where's Ethan?" She asked one of the maids who she met in the hallway.

       "Miss Isabella, the young master is in the next two rooms from here."

        She walked away from the girl immediately, without saying anything else to her, and the girl bowed before continuing what she was doing.

        Isabella walked in on Ethan's conversation with someone on his phone and stood close to the door to listen to what he was saying, but he had already sensed her presence, so he ended the call.

         "You're supposed to be eating." Ethan turned to look at Isabella's shocked face as she wondered how he knew she was standing there when she sneaked in on him.

         "How did you know I was here?"

        "Your cologne. It's lingering in the air."

         She smiled on hearing his words. So, he still knew her scent. This changes everything. If Ethan still remembered her scent, it means he still had feelings for her because only guys that have feelings for a girl can be able to sense her presence through her scent.

         "You still remember my scent?" She said slowly as she walked up to him. He watched her as she walked slowly toward him, without blinking his eyes, and when she got close to him, she wrapped her left hand around his neck to bring his face closer to her. Her lips parted as she looked at his lips, and she wondered how he would taste after so many years, but she stopped herself from looking any further, so she could control herself. 

        Lately, she had been fantasizing about Ethan so much, that she had imagined naughty things he would do to her, which felt so real and got her high every time. So, she didn't know if she could control herself around him anymore.

      She leaned in on his ears. "Why do you still remember my scent, Ethan?" She whispered in his ears and licked his ear lobe which happened to be the most sensitive part of his body. It always drove him mad when she did it in the past, and from her observation, he hadn't changed so much, so it would also work the magic this time too.

        She turned to his face to look at his once emotionless eyes which had desires screaming from them, and she smiled. She was the only one who knew this weakness of his, and it made her feel happy, and at the same time, special.

          Ethan looked down at her face which was beaming with joy. He knew she was trying to seduce him, and this wicked side of her was what attracted him to her from when they were teens. But right now, he was in no mood for any of this. The call he received earlier wasn't a good one, and he had a lot to sort out right now. He removed her hand that was wrapped around his neck and held it in his for some seconds, before stepping away from her.

          She was confused at his sudden behavior, which she found disappointing. He was enjoying this, so why did he suddenly turn her down? She had never been rejected by him whenever she did this to him, so why now? Was this because of Eleanor? She had seen the way he had been so intimate with her earlier. Has he started developing feelings for her? If that was the case, then she was doomed.

          She smiled bitterly with tears swelling in her eyes. "Why do you despise me so much, Ethan? You can't even stand me being so close to you." She paused, staring at his face. "What have I done wrong? I gave you everything I had. My love, my youth..."

         "You know that was a mistake. I would never push you off the stairs on purpose." Ethan interrupted.

       "Was what we had also a mistake? Cause I'm beginning to feel that way," she walked closer to him until their faces almost touched "that everything we shared had been a mistake. A mistake you regret so much, that it's eating you up inside."

       "You have no right to say things like that."

      "Are they not true?" She traced her fingers down his jawline which followed with her mouth. "Prove me wrong, Ethan. If what I say are lies, prove me wrong." She looked into his eyes, and when she didn't see any emotion in them, she went further and licked his bottom lips, before biting them. Without waiting for any reaction from him, her lips were on his, and she kissed him with the desperation she had felt since she saw him that night at the party, in his suit. 

       She never knew he had grown to be this hot and sexy, and when she saw him in the suit that night at the party, she had the urge to rip off everything on his body and have a really good time with him. She always imagined what he tasted like since she started fantasizing about him, and he was exactly what she had imagined.

       El stood by the door, watching them kiss, and she felt rage build up inside of her. She shouldn't be feeling this way at this sight because she knew their situation, right? But the reverse was the case, cause she felt her rage build up even more. Unable to look at them anymore, she walked away in a hurry to the garden of the mansion which was at the back of the building.

          She took deep breaths as she stared at the night sky, trying to calm herself. "What is wrong with you, El? You're not supposed to feel this way," she murmured to herself, trying to give herself reasons why she shouldn't be feeling this way because right now, her mind and heart suddenly started playing tricks on her. This was never meant to happen. She was never meant to feel this way.

         What bothered her, even more, was the fact that she couldn't stop herself from feeling this way. It was as if Ethan had poisoned her mind, yet she couldn't stay away from him anymore. She laughed hysterically. She couldn't even believe that her heart had fluttered at the thought that he gave her a bracelet.

        She looked down at her wrist and wanted to take off the bracelet when she felt someone behind her, and when she turned to look at the person, her face became even more gloomy.

       It was Adrian.

        "What are you doing here?"

         "I wanted to talk to you earlier, but you left the dining room. So, I came here instead 'cause I knew you always come to the garden whenever you feel suffocated."

         He was right, and she hated that. She also hated the fact that everything he said earlier was true. It only reminded her more of his betrayal, and that got her even more upset. "So you do know your presence suffocates me."

      "How have you been?"

      "Don't you dare ask me such a question? You have no right to do that." She laughed bitterly as tears welled in her eyes. "Are you disappointed 'cause you wanted to see me worse?"

       "Eleanor, please. Don't say things like that..."

      "Shut up, Adrian! You don't tell me what, and what not to say. You may have collided with your father to force me into this place, but you have no right to force me to say words just to please you, Mr future heir to Welsh's empire." Tears rolled down her cheeks which she wiped off almost immediately.

      "Your father must be really proud of you." She walked away from him before the tears that she couldn't compress anymore rolled down her cheeks, but stopped when she walked past him and looked at him from over her shoulders. "And... Good luck with your newest product that is about to be launched, Mr. Welsh."

       El walked back into the mansion and let all the tears she had been holding inside of her out. As she walked through the hallway which led to the elevator so she could go to her room, she bumped into someone who held her shoulders so she wouldn't fall. When she looked up to see who it was, she froze.

      It was Ethan and when he looked at her face and saw the tears on it, he clenched his jaw in annoyance.