

   AUTHOR'S NOTE: If you're enjoying this novel as much as I enjoy writing it, please don't forget to rate and review it. Thanks. Much love ❤️❤❤❤❤

     El spent the rest of the morning trying to design an outfit. Even if she was on a year's leave, she couldn't stop working. She is a workaholic and staying idle felt like hell to her. After working tirelessly for more than three hours, she heard her stomach growl, and when she checked the time, it was 12:58 pm, a few minutes to one pm. She decided to go get something to eat.

     She went downstairs and was led to the dining by her maids. The room was more beautiful than her imagination, but there was no one there upon her arrival, just different dishes served on the table. She was confused. She wondered if she was too early as she stared around, hoping to see any of the Graysons, but didn't find any. She decided to sit and wait for them, as it was rude for a guest to start feasting before the owners of the house.

     "Are you just gonna sit there and stare at the meal?" A voice came from the door after she waited for ten minutes, staring at the mouth-watering dishes.

    She turned in the direction of the voice and saw a beautiful blonde hair girl walking toward a seat on the table and she sat on it. She wore a beautiful pink dress which stopped mid-thigh her long white legs. Her skin was smooth and soft, as you could tell from a glance, and her blonde hair was tied in a ponytail. She wore faint makeup which made her look so innocent and beautiful and El couldn't help but stare at her beautiful icy blue round eyes which were brighter than a star. She was a definition of beauty.

      "You must be Eleanor. Hi, I'm Chloe, Ethan's younger sister." She smiled at El.

     "Hi, Chloe," El said smiling. She took an instant liking to her. She didn't know that was possible, but there was something in Chloe's smile that melted her heart.

     "Aren't you going to eat?" Chloe asked as she picked up her cutlery from the table and started eating.

    "Oh... Of course, I will." She didn't know that she had been staring at her for a while. She picked up her cutlery and started eating.

      "Well, I did some research and found out you're a top fashion designer for Old Navy," she said breaking the one-minute silence between them.

    "Yeah, I've been working there for three years," El said taking a bite from her sliced beef on her fork.

     "That's great."


      "You know, I happen to have a good fashion sense, so I could help you sometimes with your work, give you some inspiration. What do you say, will that be okay with you?"

      "Of course, that'll be great," El said smiling.

     They continued their conversation and found out that they had a lot in common. After having their lunch, they went out to the garden in the mansion, where they admired beautiful plants and flowers, and took pictures with them. They had so much fun talking about their experiences and getting to know each other that they lost track of time. Chloe is a very fun person, and with her around, time went by quickly, and every second was fun for both El and herself. El had never had this much fun in a long time. Soon it was time for dinner, and they both went to their respective rooms to get ready.

     When she got to her room, she quickly took her bath since it was almost time for dinner. After taking her bath, her maids were already in the room with several outfits for her to choose from which she did. Knowing how wealthy the Graysons were, she wasn't surprised that they dolled themselves up for family meals together, and even if her marriage with Ethan was for a year, she still felt like she needed to have a first good impression on them.

     She wore a white flair gown which was slightly above her knees. It was less revealing in her chest area, and it hugged her waist, revealing how tiny they were. Her hair was made into big curls and faint makeup was applied to her face. The fake lashes that were attached to her lashes, complimented her blue-green eyes, and a peach-colored lipstick was applied to her lips. Beautiful was an understatement for how she looked after the makeover, and she admired herself as she stared in the mirror.

      "Thank you," she said to Jennifer and Grace, her two maids after seeing how beautiful she looked from their makeover.

      "You don't have to thank us, Miss Eleanor," grace said shyly as they both bowed their heads. "We're just doing our job," she said smiling, still bowing her head. This was the first time since they started working for the Graysons that any of their mistresses had complimented their work. They always found faults in their work, and if it wasn't perfect, they were fired immediately. 

      They wore her the jewelry she picked from the ones they presented to her, and El took a glance at herself in the mirror one more time, before leaving her room for the dining room. 

     When she got to the dining, every member of the Graysons was present at the table, except for the person she was engaged to, Ethan. She felt nervous for the first time in her life as she approached the table, and she remembered the story she heard some time ago about their personalities. Taking a deep breath, she walked to the table. "Grandpa," she greeted when she got to the table.

     "You're finally here my dear," he said smiling.

    "I'm sorry for keeping you waiting," she apologized sincerely.

    "It's okay, you're here now, so we can finally start eating."

    "Father," she greeted and Gage nodded to her greetings with a smile. 

     "Mother." Mirabel smiled awkwardly.

    Her gaze shifted to Chloe who was already smiling at her, and she smiled back. "Vanessa," she greeted, but Vanessa just rolled her eyes at her, and started eating. El ignored her and walked to an empty seat on the table, which she sat on.  

    They started dining, and there was an awkward silence on the table before Mirabel broke it.

     "We saw the viral video of you being harassed in a club, El, hope you weren't hurt badly," she asked calmly.

     El was confused. What viral video was she talking about? Yes, she was harassed, but how was there a video of it? Did someone at the club take a video of what happened to her? This was what Ethan meant when he said she brought disgrace to their family, she thought sighing.

      "Yeah, I am," she said apologetically as she cursed at herself inwardly for attending the party. They were probably all mad at her. No wonder Venessa was giving her an attitude. She bent her head, staring at her food because she couldn't raise her head to stare at anyone's face on the table due to embarrassment. As she stared at her meal, she imagined the look on everyone's face, especially Griffin and Gage.

     "She isn't even married to Ethan yet, and she's already bringing embarrassment to our family. What then will she do when she's finally married to Ethan?" Vanessa said sarcastically.

      "That's enough Vanessa," Gage said when he saw the look on both Griffin and El's faces.

      "I'm sorry for the embarrassment I caused everyone. I beg to take my leave now." El stood up from her seat and walked out of the dining room.

    She got to her room and lay on her bed, staring at the ceiling. This was not the first impression she had in mind to make on them, she thought sighing. Vanessa probably hated her for making a joke of their family name, and the rest of the family was mad at her even if they didn't want to show it because they didn't want her to feel bad. She kept blaming herself on her bed until she drifted to sleep unknowingly.


      7:00 am, she woke up in the morning with Grace and Jennifer standing beside her bed.

     "Good morning, Miss Eleanor," they greeted, bowing their head in unison, with different outfits in their hands.

     "Good morning," El replied with a smile.

     "Your bath has been prepared for you."

    She walked to the bathroom and took her bath after which, she picked an outfit that she wore. Faint makeup was applied to her face with peach-colored lipstick, and her black wavy hair poured down her back. She wore a yellow gown that complimented her beautiful white skin, and it was slightly above her knees.

      When she got to the dining room, she met only Chloe and Vanessa there. 

      "Good morning El, how was your night?" Chloe asked when she saw El walking to the table.

      "It wasn't so bad. How was yours?" 


     "Vanessa," she greeted. Vanessa didn't even look in her direction but continued eating her meal as if she didn't exist.

     El sighed silently before sitting on an empty seat.

     "Where's everyone?" She asked Chloe who sat opposite her.

     "Grandpa and dad left the country this morning, they have something to take care of. And mum will be joining us soon, I guess."


     "El, I want us to go out today," Chloe said smiling.

     "I'd love to, but I have an appointment later with a friend that I can't miss. I'm sorry but I think I'm gonna skip this one," El said apologetically.

     "How about we go out now, and when it's time for your appointment, you go for it. I already booked places for us to go have fun today, and it wouldn't be fun if you don't come with me. Please..."

      "Okay, let's do it your way."

      "Thank you."

     They continued with their meal and left the dining when they were done. After eating, they got dressed before walking out of the mansion to a black Rolls Royce parked outside for them. A chauffeur came out of the car and opened the door for them, which they entered, and he drove off with four convoys behind them.

     They got to the Tracie Martyn Spa, where they got massages, and facial treatments. They also got their hair and nails done, after which they went to Barney's New York where they bought different outfits, shoes, and bags. They had so much fun shopping together. Soon it was time for El's appointment with Sophie, and she invited Chloe to join them which she gladly did.


     Sophie waited for El in the restaurant they agreed to meet in. As she sat there, she constantly looked at the wristwatch she wore, and then around to see if she had arrived. After five minutes, El walked into the restaurant with Chloe and they went to the table where Sophie sat. "Sophie," El greeted when they got to the table.

     "You're finally here," Sophie said as they hugged each other and they complimented themselves when they released themselves from their embrace.

     "This is Chloe. She is Ethan's younger sister," El said pointing in Chloe's direction. "And Chloe, this is Sophie, a very good friend of mine."

    "Hi, Sophie," Chloe greeted.

    "Hi, Chloe. I love your outfits."

    "Thanks," Chloe said smiling. "They are the latest model of Versace customized for me alone."

    "No way." Sophie was surprised and the shock was written all over her face as her eyes widened with opened mouth, earning a chuckle from Chloe. She didn't expect anything less, as she was talking to a billionaire's daughter, but she was still surprised. "They look really good on you."

      "Thanks. Yours look good too."

     "Thank you," Sophie said shyly. She couldn't believe she was talking to a Grayson. This was all thanks to her friend El.

      The three girls sat down and continued their conversation, after ordering their meals. Turns out that Chloe and Sophie had some things in common. They were both fun and had this crazy wild side.


       The rest of the week went by quickly as El and Chloe did a lot of fun activities together, and tried new things every day. Having a friend like Chloe made El enjoy her stay in the Grayson's mansion without thinking about any of her worries.

     After having lunch one afternoon, they decided to go ice skating.

     "Leonardo, prepare a car. I'm going out," Chloe ordered the butler, and he did what he was told without hesitation.

     She walked out of the mansion thirty minutes later with El, and they got into the car already parked outside with a driver sitting inside, after which they drove off. They arrived at a Rink and got inside. The place was quiet when they got in because no one was inside, except for the person who was going to train them, and their bodyguards. Chloe took her to the changing room, where they wore the appropriate outfit for the exercise they were going to do, and after that, they left the room.

     "Noah," Chloe called out. He looked in her direction smiling and rolled to where she stood with El on his skates. He is the trainer and was oblivious of their arrival until Chloe called out his name.

     "Chloe," he greeted hugging her when he got to where she stood. "When did you arrive?"

     "A couple of minutes ago."

     "Okay," he said as his gaze shifted to El who stood beside her.

     "This is Eleanor," Chloe said pointing in her direction. "And Eleanor, this is Noah, my friend."

     "Nice to meet you, Eleanor," Noah said stretching his hand towards her.

    "Same." She placed her hand on his, and he planted a soft kiss on it. A camera took a picture of the incident.

    "She's taken, Noah. She's engaged to Ethan," Chloe said rolling her eyes when she saw how flirty he was being around El.

    "Really," he asked surprised. "Ethan is a lucky man for getting himself a beauty like this." He winked at El.

    "And you know he doesn't like sharing."

    He sighed. "Hope I'm not crossing boundaries, Miss Eleanor," he asked smiling.

     "Once you do, I'll let you know," El said before getting on the rink carefully, holding Chloe's hand.

    El held onto Chloe as they rolled on the rink. This was the first time she skated on ice, so she didn't have balance, unlike Chloe who happened to be a pro in it. As they almost got to the middle of the rink, she slipped and fell, but Noah caught her just in time before she hit the floor. A camera took a picture of when Noah held her waist.

     "Are you okay?" He asked concerned.

     "I'm fine, thanks to you," she said smiling. Another photo of El smiling at him was taken. "You can let go now." He let go of her waist but continued helping her to skate. In no time, she learned how to stand on the rink with her skates with the help of his guidance, and she was happy.


      Ethan sat in his office working when he heard a knock on his door. "Come in."

     A man in a black suit walked in. "Mr. Grayson," he greeted when he got to Ethan's desk, and he dropped a file on it.

    Ethan opened the file and saw photos of El and Noah. "Prepare the jet, I'm going back to New York."

     "Yes, Sir," the man said bowing, before leaving the room.