
The Ceo's arrogant wife

Drowning in sorrows in her favorite bar, Li Xie looked at the bartender with her flushed cheeks and ordered for another drink. With her blurry eyes, she saw a man who made the whole bar whispher,she immediately went forward and held his firm shoulders seducing him and in the end she had a one night stand with a stranger.The next morning, she woke up with a terrible hangover,memories of yesterday flooded in.The man looked less bothered, looking so elegant and charismatic,he held his tea cup and moved his lips"i don't mind taking responsibility,be my wife since i took your first time".It seem so fast in her eyes that she didn't know how to reply"okay"she immediately gave in to him later realizing that he was the heir of the zhang corporation. Showering her with love and affection as he dealt with any enemy that comes his wife way. ----------- Zhang Linfen,an arrogant Ceo of the Zhang corporation,in need of a wife. He went to a bar and got seduced by a fiesty girl, being the one who took her first time,he offered to accept responsibility. Their marriage was very complicated,full with secrets and mysteries that neither of them are yet to unravel. Dealing with all their enemies,they had to deal with the biggest enemy which was themselves. Follow the trail of their love and hate relationship and how they go through it. ------------------ Their Love "Zhang Linfen, listen,i don't....."he interrupted her.       "Don't call me Zhang Linfen, we're married,so call me hubby. Ok"she looked at him in daze.        "Hubby?,why would i call you that?"she asked.        "Oh,you don't want to call me hubby, then you can call me sweet heart, honey,boo"she was surprised at his shamelessness, she didn't know that the multi billionaire Zhang Linfen could be so childish. --------------- Their Hate. She pushed him away and looked away"am really sorry for....."she shush him hiding her tears.       "Mr Zhang,you don't need to be sorry for anything,let bygones be bygones. And i assume we're both happy separately"she turned off the cooker and poured the water in bowl. Zhang Linfen heart hurts when he heard her call him with alienation.        "What about our children?"she stopped in her tracks with a frightened look.      "What about them?, they're mine not yours"she started walking again when he talked.       "They are also mine since they were created through me"she sigh, he hasn't changed one bit.       "What if i said they are not your children....uh... what will you say?"shewalked away from his sight as he smiled.

Purpleblack · Urban
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12 Chs

All men are the same

"Have your seat"the man said, he was really amazed by her beauty. He wondered why the assistant of Mr Zhang will want her but seeing her right now explains all questions.

    He licked his lips,of course he won't dare betray the Zhang corporation but also having a taste of her won't be that bad also, she looked at him warily and sat with caution.

      "My name is Li Xie"she introduced herself,he stretched his hands forward.

      "Am Jen Kai, call me Kai"she shook his hands,her hands felt like fluffy marshmallows that he wants to squeeze so tightly,he careless the front surface of her palm feeling the softness of her hand.

     She withdrew her hand fiercely and showed him a small smile of apology.

      He brought out a booklet and opened it, pointing to a blank space at the downside corner.

      "Xiexie,sign here and you have the job" he called her so intimately but she didn't think about it.

      She widened her eyes, just like that.

     He didn't even interview her and just gave her the contract, without reading, she sighed the contract with a smile.

      He may not be as bad as i thought.

    She thought and dropped the pen, he smiled and stood up startling her in the process.

      "Xiexie, you can start working tommorow at the Zhang corporation"she stood up also,he lied to her.

      Zhang corporation, that was Zhang Linfen office, she would be working with Zhang Linfen as a actress but the Zhang corporation isn't interested in hiring a spokesperson,she carried the contract and read it.

         She was going to be Zhang Linfen new secretary!.

      She stared at the man who kept on coming closer to her, she couldn't even be bothered about it as she thought of Zhang Linfen wondering if he knew about it.

        She felt a touch on her waist and came out of her daze, she looked at Mr Jen Kai and struggled out of his hold but he tightened his grip on her waist.

      "Mr Kai, what are you doing?, this isn't appropriate. Let me go"Li Xie said with a bold face, she didn't even look scare.

    He found her bold face cute as he held her chin and raised it to his level, closing in on her, as he wanted to kiss her, he used her knee to hit his crotch.

      He groaned in pain and released her holding his crotch and scrunching his face in pain.

      "Bitch,why are you trying to act so holy?, aren't you like every other whore out there or how would you have gained the favor of a Zhang?. Let me tell you that the relationship between the both of you is just a fling, he would soon ditch you just like every other girls out there"he said with a painful smirk, Li Xie didn't reveal any weakness and smiled.

      "Thanks for revealing your true colors and telling me the truth, I'll make sure that Mr Zhang hears about it"she removed her phone from her back and pressed the record save button, his face turned deadly paled.

      She may really be Mr Zhang woman.

   Before he could say a word, she already left. He cursed in his mind, he felt like biting his tongue out.

      He stood up with so much effort and called his assistant"you're in charge of the interview, don't let anyone into my office throughout today"he hung up and entered his office bathroom.



  The underworld.

     A woman who was watching everything that transpired between Li Xie and Jen Kai smiled with a proud look.

     "Boss, should we deal with him?"one of her men said.

    "Leave him"they all stared at her confused.

    "He'll surely find a much better punishment"she stood up and walked, shoulders up,head high and walking with royalty.



        Zhang Linfen held from his source about what happened between his wife and the owner of JK corporation,he had a killing intent.

     "Take me there, don't kill him but make him regret ever touching my wife"the man in the shadows nodded and walked away.



    Li Xie went home immediately and received a text message, she opened it and saw that it was from Zhang Xiaolu, Zhang Linfen sister.

    {"Hi sister-in-law,how are you doing?"}.

   Little Xiexie {"am fine and how is your school going?"}.

    Xiao Lu{"fyn, sister-in-law,is brother there with you?"}.

    Little Xiexie {"No"}

    Xiao Lu {"he was in the states few months ago and i saw him with another woman. It maybe for some business meeting so i thought to let you know"}.

    Little Xiexie {"ಠ︵ಠi don't know"}

     Xiao Lu {"picture"} she sent a picture to Li Xie, Li Xie clicked on it and enlarged the picture,it looked like it was taken in secret.

   It was a picture of Zhang Linfen and another woman entering a mall, his face wasn't shown but by the look of the woman, it looks like Zhang Linfen just said something amusing which made her laugh.

     His hands was on her shoulder while she held his waist,they looked like the perfect american couple,a tear escaped her eyes as it touched her phone screen.

     She touched her eyes and chuckled self knowingly.

      Why is she crying for a guy who doesn't even care about her or her wellbeing, she should have learnt her lesson from Fu Yohan.

     She wiped her tears and replied.

   Little Xiexie {"he can be with any woman he wants. I can't control his every steps right"} she replied with an emoji to show that it didn't affect her that much.

     Zhang Xiaolu didn't reply again, Li Xie turned off her phone and lied on the bed.

     And she was going to be seeing him everyday, she can't just resign because she signed for a six years long contract with them and she didn't have the money for the penalty fee.

      {Hey fams, it's your authoress here horeholuwah. Thanks for giving my book a chance and i won't disappoint you. It's a slow burner book but go with the flow and you'll love it.

     I appreciate criticism, it's a way to tell me how to improve in writing as it's my first time. Comment,rate and review. It'll mean a lot to me}

   Lots of love from horeholuwah.