
Chapter 91

"I came to take you out for lunch," he said abruptly, moving away from her towards the window. He ran his hand through his hair in a frustrated manner.

Mitchell breathed an air of relief. She stood up the second he moved away, for fear he might come back to crowd her again. His presence already filled her office. And every part of her consciousness.

"I m ready," she said, trying to smile at him but still yet to recover from the close encounter from earlier.

She hoped her leg wouldn't give her away with the way they were still shaky but she wanted to get out of here. Another minute alone with him and she might be tempted to pull him to herself and claim that kiss that has been tormenting her.

He turned away from the window to look at her. He was composed and calm without traces of the electrical surges that had happened earlier between them. It was as if he d never felt anything.