
Chapter 84

Then pizza it is then," She heard Michael say to little Annabella before turning to the whole room.

"I believed we all want pizza," he said and the children all shouted yes.

"Good," he said. But I wouldn t mind an ice cream with my pizza," he said

"Me too," The children shouted, while they also called out the different flavors they wanted happily.

"Tania?" Michael called

Of course. I love pizza and ice cream," she said smiling

He turned to Mitchell, "what about you?" He asked not smiling

"I think…" She started but was cut short by Anabella

"Aunty Mitchell loves ice cream" Annabella cut in.

"She does?" Michael asked fondly rubbing her hair

"Yes, strawberry flavor," She answered proudly.

"Then it s settled." He said bringing out his phone to place an order.