
Chapter 68

The car revved to life, minutes later he was back on the track looking at the sandy road ahead.

For the first time since he had been on the road, Michael heaved a sigh of relief. With any luck, he should be at his mother s village in an hour.

He passes some farmers working on their farm, by the side of the road barely aware or affected by the scorching sun, it made him remember his days in the village. Though his grandmother was not a farmer, there were times he d help some of the villagers on their farm. But he had never liked nor enjoyed it. And though he had made his first million from buying a broken almost dilapidated farm with a wide expanse of land, he tried poultry and even gave planting a trial but he soon realized farming wasn t for him and had employed workers to work for him on the farm while he tried his hand on something else.