
Chapter 65

"Interesting," she said sitting up. Acquaint me, girl."

"Nothing much. Just some egoist arrogant man whom we have only met twice and thought he can lay claim on me," she said, angrily

"An interested partner?"

"A casual acquaintance." she corrected.

"Slow down Fiona, such emotions. Wow, this is more interesting than I thought."

"Who was this man?" Her sister asked

"Not someone you d want to know," She replied, starting to stand up. But Tania pulls her back into the sofa.

"We are not done yet," she answered, to her questioning look.

"Can I be the judge of that?" She asked, Mitchell

"Of what?"

"Whether I want to know who that arrogant egoist man was,"

"Fine. They called him Michael Smith."

Tania gasped. Holding her hand to her mouth. With eyes wide with surprise.

"Zezame Group?" She asked.

"That s him."

"Oh, mine... Fiona. What exactly happened at the dinner? Run that by me again," she said.