
Chapter 48

Michael closed the file he was working on. He checked his time; it was a few minutes to one pm. He needed to leave for his appointment with his investigator, he knew he still have enough time, the place they had chosen to meet wasn t far from his office and the traffic was usually light at this time of the day, but just as he doesn t like to be kept waiting, he doesn t like to keep his appointment waiting either.

Being prompt was one of his greatest virtues One he prided himself on.

An hour later, Michael was sitting across from his investigator at the Palm Sort restaurant. Mark, his chief bodyguard with his assistant, were seated at a table not far from theirs. All dressed immaculately in a black suit.

The waitress approached their table and after taking their orders politely, took her leave. Michael looked at his lawyer questioningly before saying.

"There wasn t much to the mail you forwarded to me this morning."