
Chapter 147

"That," she said pointing to the one on her right hand. "So...?"

"I don t know exactly for how long I would be gone," She cut in again but I know you have enough money in your account to tidy you up till I m back, but just in case, do you want me to credit your account with more money?" She asked. That should do the trick and shut her up. She hoped.

"Yes, of course," she said excitedly. Thanks, love." She added as she stood to hug her.

"You are welcome," she said.

An hour later, with her luggage sorted out and Tania gone and having placed a call to her mum and Leah to inform them of her sudden travel and making sure she purposely left out the details of where she was going, Mitchell laid on her bed thinking about the meeting with her ex and the revelation that she d been a conquest as well as her cousin s hand in it. She wondered why she had to fall prey to such a man. But she wasn t going to dwell so much on that.

Her thoughts strayed to Anabel.