
The CEO’s Over-pampered Wife

Aurora Devane had one mission: revenge. At eighteen, Aurora Devane is consumed by a singular goal—take back everything her treacherous family stole from her and her deceased mother. Entering a contracted marriage with Daniel Froster, the nation’s most powerful and enigmatic billionaire, she sets her plan into motion. But Daniel is more than she bargained for, and as they play their dangerous game, the lines between pretense and passion blur. The closer Aurora gets to achieving her vengeance, the more entangled she becomes in a web of lies, hatred, and betrayal. Dark secrets and unexpected alliances force her to question everything she thought she knew. Will the true heiress sacrifice her newfound love to achieve her revenge, or will fate’s cruel hand thrust her into a perilous choice between retribution and redemption?

Balqees · Urban
Not enough ratings
28 Chs


The driver dropped Rory at school.

Rory entered the school and noticed something was off. The whole school was as silent as a graveyard. Why?

Was it because of the test? No it was very unlikely. The school should be noisy. If not noisy at least there should be students but the place looked deserted. She suddenly felt this was creepy.

She searched for her phone in her bag and her pockets only to notice it wasn't there. She wanted to call Kay and asked where she was.

"Of all the days to forget my phone it just had to be today"She said exasperated.

She looked up to see a familiar figure on the other side of the school. It looked like Sammy.

At the same time,Sammy also looked in her direction. Then a smile that could send chills down one's spine was formed on Sammy's face.

Rory didn't want to go over and ask her anything. Who knows what atrocities she had committed? She just shrugged her shoulders and headed for her class.

When she got to her building, she looked up and saw a huge stone falling down. It was aimed straight at her head.

It was like her legs became paralysed. She couldn't move at all.

As it was about to hit her,she felt a hand grab her arm and pulled her away,just few seconds before the boulder hit her.

"Rory are you okay?"Mr Cole asked worriedly.

Rory still in a daze,woke up after Mr Cole shook her shoulders a few times.

"Huh?"She said absent-mindedly.

"I asked if you were okay"

"Oh. Am fine. No injuries."

"Good"Mr Cole sighed in relief.

However, it wasn't good at all to Rory. Why would a stone fall from nowhere?

"Mr Cole what's going on? I came to school and didn't find a single student which is strange and now a rock almost maimed me. Now tell me,what is really going on?"She folded her arms and raised a brow. She was staring right into his eyes.

Mr Cole suddenly fell speechless. This girl was something else. His lips twitched. The words that were meant to sound domineering and imposing came out instead as if a baby was trying to act like James Bond. He was so close to bursting out laughing. However,he didn't because of how serious she looked.

"I am waiting"She reminded him.

He cleared his throat.

"Yes. Early this morning,the buildings started cracking and the junior high school building collapsed. Luckily,no student or staff was around at that time,but the other buildings started to fall apart little by little. So we asked everyone to go home. I was just on my way out when I saw you"

"Oh I see" She nodded her head. No wonder. She shouldn't have come this late.

"But am still confused as to why you are here. It hasn't been so long ago that I saw Sammy and told her to inform any students she sees to go back"He said confused.

"Didn't you see her?"

That was why she was smiling when she saw her. That girl was a witch. She was definitely going to make her suffer. This was the 2nd attempt on her life. She was really pushing her luck, wasn't she?

I think it's been a while she had made a move. It was a fault on her part. She was waiting for one day to do all she has planned. However,seeing the situation,it didn't seem like that plan was good enough.

The school had to renovate. Which meant,no school for a week. A week was short but the damage weren't that big. Mr Cole was exaggerating. They just had to fix the parts that were unstable.

T.H.S was a really old school with a long history. But it wasn't the best school in the city. However,they had good teachers and a conducive environment for learning.


Rory stepped out of the school but the driver wasn't there anymore. She sighed.

She saw a pay phone at the other side of the street. She crossed and called home.

"Hello?" Butler Zoe's voice sounded from the other side of the phone.

"Hey butler Zoe! It's me Rory?"

"Rory? Why are you calling at this time? Shouldn't you be in class?" He asked.

"Yes I should but there's no school today. The school has done renovations to be done. Can you please send the driver and my phone? I am right in front of the school."

"Yes Rory. I will do that right away."

"Thanks Zoe Zoe"

As expected, a black car arrived in front of the school, right before Rory.

The window of the car was rolled down.

"Mrs Froster?"The driver called out.

Rory smiled.

The driver came down and opened the door for her.

"Thank you." At first,she was uncomfortable but now she had grown to this kind of treatment....a bit.

She entered the car.

The driver handed her the phone.

Immediately she took the phone from him,it started ringing.

She looked at the caller ID.

It was her father.

Why was he calling her?

"What?"She asked coldly,as she answered.

"You brat! Is that anyway to talk to your father?!"Mr Devane's voice was so loud that Rory had to pull away the phone from her ears.

"If your plan is to make me deaf,I am hanging up"She said coolly.

"You are so mannerless! Hmph! "

"You probably didn't call me to scold me,did you?"

Mr Devane didn't know what to say. This wasn't the Rory he knew.


"Aurora"She cut him off.

"What?" He asked confused.

"Only people I know can call me Rory"Her words were blunt.

"Whatever. Ro..... Aurora where are you? Come back home. You've stayed away from home for few weeks. No one is aware of where you are staying and with who. I didn't expect you to be shameless!" Come home this instant!"He yelled at her.

"Okay," She hung up the call.

"Hello? Hello? Rory? Aurora?"

"What's wrong Dad?"Sammy asked concerned.

Mr Devane threw his phone on the couch.

"It's your sister! She hung the call on me! How dare that witch! Who does she think she is? I'll show her!"

"Dad don't say that"Sammy pursed her lips acting like she was the best sister in the world.

Seeing her sad expression,Mr Devane's heart softened.

If Rory was half as good as her won't that be better, than having a useless child like her?