
Introductory Chapter and Chapter 1: Absolute Nothingness:

Introductory Chapter and Chapter 1: Absolute Nothingness:

In a big world but with the same ideal, that of destruction, a band of humans managed to escape, trying to search for the source of this conflict which began more than 2000 years ago.

Maybe it's time to remember:

In a distant time, even rather very distant, a year that the "Loyals" called "The Bloody Five", a year which shook all the universes, one after the other, for a night, then for days, then for weeks, then months, years and finally decades.

For several years, researchers tried to find the source of this misfortune, what we "humans" call "The Bloodworm", a giant worm which for millennia eliminated, little by little, year after year thousands and thousands of thousands of human beings, who were being decapitated, sliced, cut up, one after the other, no human managed to escape, a beast as ferocious as this one, people began to be afraid of this one, but the government authorities, who for centuries of reflection have sought a way to unite the universes together so as to no longer wage an "interracial" war, a war which pits everyone against each other like, on earth, many humanoid people.

There were 3 interracial wars, one in year 10 of the interstellar calendar, then in year 30, then in year 60. These three wars caused monstrous devastation, people dying almost for nothing, often for nothing. Unfortunately, the different leaders of each party did not hear it that way, they dared to believe that the adversary was sending false information, which is why for more than 20 years, the people of each human race fought each other. year after year loss after loss. Hating each other, each other.

Until the different factions each had civil wars against political opponents, opponents who refused to continue this bloody war, killing people for nothing.

But the emperor, from one of the two factions, escaped to a planet, very strange since when you looked at it at first, the color seems calm, soothing but when you set your foot on this planet , the ground turns red, such a dark and bruised red, a blood red.

Black blood coming from a giant beast devouring a hundred thousand humans, causing a mountain ten times bigger than anyone.

But when the emperor tried to escape from this planet, he failed, he was completely devoid of any strength, because of the murderous energy of this creature.

But one of the men accompanying the emperor was able to leave this planet alive thanks to the sacrifice of all his companions and returned to report all the information to the superior.

This is where the legend that everyone knows, a red worm, enormous, bigger than any mountain appeared.

During the disappearance of the emperor, the opponents decided to proclaim a republic, which would be at the head of the empire.

The first decision of this republic was to stop the war with the opponent, and to stop any action by loyalists still present in the territory and which could pose a problem to the outright establishment of the republic.

For hundreds of years the universes have been at peace, no more war, no more discrimination between different races of humans. Peace reigned in all territories, until an unusual energy appeared.

Hundreds of planets were wiped out in just a few months, hundreds and thousands of people died, what is this creature coming to sow destruction?

The men of the republic decided to go and see what was happening, but saw a man, with a sword in his hand, they were not suspicious at first but when they realized that he was literally flying in the In outer space, they began to retreat.

The man walks towards them and holds the sword out in front of him, the republicans thought this was a way of saying he had come in peace, but when they let their guards down then the man throws his sword away in the face of the man on the right, and killed him instantly, making a crack in his mask, for days, then months, then years, this man killed without respite, without sleeping, without resting, and continued to kill and kill and kill.

The inhabitants of all universes hearing the news were taken by surprise, and began to be afraid, the inhabitants began to go mad with rage and fear, sadness, madness, began to fill them.

During this time, a group of humans who had predicted this eventuality, went towards their base which was in the universe which we called "Central" since it is the center of all the universes, like the sun for our system.

This team decided to hide in their base, and hide untilthat the creature had finished terrorizing the city, during this waiting time, the team did not sit idle, they carried out numerous experiments, far exceeding the level of intelligence of many scientists in the different universe, one thing is certain, it is that "the rescue is ready", at least that's what the team was trying to say, but wanted more and more results, creating more and more efficient innovations, like an ultra-intelligent robot, which can take human form, and do all kinds of things like humans, which is implanted in the body of its user.

But also, a statue which has the characteristic of being able to resurrect people in parallel universes, and make them reincarnate in another life.

And lots of other things, each more useful than the other.

They finally left their bases and began to see the state of the world, the world was in a terrible state, the remaining humans were in a more than deplorable state, being terrorized by the case of man.

The team therefore went to defeat this man, arriving at the same position as the emperor, some decades before.

They found themselves in front of a large, warm, soothing planet.

But when they landed on the planet, the ground turned into blood, blood blackened by the slain of many planets.

Grandma- This is how the beginning of the story is

Little girl - But Grandma, I want the rest.

Grandma - Yes But that will be for next time...