
The Celestial Shift

In an unexpected twist of fate, death propelled me into purgatory. Alone and longing for freedom, I chanced upon a absorbing essences of souls. Tapping into their memories, I uncovered a remarkable mysteries—heavenly demon cultivation. Hope sparked inside me, as I realized I could be reborn in a new world. ... .. . . Yet, to my bewilderment, why am I in a girl's body?

logerlogerlog · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter 6 - Hunger

Damn, I never knew that one of the knights from our family is actually here. If I remember correctly, he is one of my father's generals, Uncle Robert.

He sometimes guards me when I'm outside in the garden, though not often, just occasionally. He seems like a good uncle to me, always watching out for me and sometimes playing with me too.

But the situation we find ourselves in now is dire. We are both facing a predicament. While he hears and sees the horrible experiments. I've already been subjected to experimentation and now lie lifelessly at the bottom of a mountain of corpses. And he seems unaware that I'm still alive.

It has been seven days since Uncle Robert arrived at this place and I just keep continue to cultivate.

The grey hooded man is becoming more restless, sensing that his cruel experiments are nearing their end. He is aware that by kidnapping a knight, suspicions will rise, and my family might be able to track him down.

The experiments have indeed become more brutal, and the once neat and clean laboratory is now stained with blood and filled with intestines scattered everywhere. The cracked veil placed over the place adds to the eerie atmosphere.

As I survey the room with my heightened senses, I feel an insatiable hunger growing within me. There's something about the veil or something in the other room that makes me crave it intensely. It's not just a simple desire; it's a primal urge to devour it and make it mine.

The celestial blood running through my veins intensifies this feeling, something I can't ignore and can't control.

The hunger and stress take a toll on my body, triggering a physical transformation as primal instincts take over. Suddenly my body moves as like drive by instinct. The hunger and aroma of deliciousness of blood permeating to my nose.

My body suddenly becomes engulfed in a boiling red aura as I growl, howl, and scream, unsure if it's excitement or sadness that I'm feeling.

With my hunger never satisfied, I moved rapidly, tearing down doors and craving for more blood. In the room, the grey hooded man, scientists, and the knight were dumbfounded by my state of instinct and insatiable hunger for celestial blood.

The grey hooded man seemed ecstatic and happy, exclaiming, "Ahhhhhh, you are still alive, marvelous, magnificent! My instincts never lie. Hahahahahaha."

The knight or Uncle Robert showed immense pain and sadness, seeing me in this uncontrollable state. He recognized me, calling out, "Atthy, is that you? Please…" but the grey hooded man silenced him, preventing him from speaking.

As my body is consumed by a crazed state, I find myself becoming even more unhinged at the sight of the grey hooded man. The urge to tear his limbs apart, gouge out his eyes, and rip his heart from his chest grips me fiercely.

Launching an attack, my body moves with fury, but to my dismay, the artifact nestled within his neck activates, rendering my efforts futile.

Undeterred, I continue to leap at him, trying to strike, but the barrier emanating from his artifact keeps me at bay. Over and over again i try to attack him.

Suddenly, he uncorks a vial of celestial blood, its alluring aroma driving me into a frenzy. He tosses the vial towards me, and instinctively, I seize it and gulp down its contents. Ecstatic moans and screams fill the room as the potent elixir takes hold of me.

As I continue moaning ecstatically, he creates chains that bind all my limbs, leaving me unable to move even an inch. Despite my agony, I continue to howl and scream as pain engulfs me once more.

"Let's descend to the bottom floor. We might find something that will satisfy you," he said, his face filled with happiness as he slowly dragging me to the lowest floor.

"As for you, Robert, come along. Let us witness the final result of my experiment," he added, wearing a creepy smile. Robert was unable to do anything; his body was chained, his mouth muffled, and he could only glare.

Step by step, we ascended to the lowest floor. The dimly lit room seemed normal to ordinary eyes, but as the grey hooded man activated the table with a sequence of commands, the room transformed into an overwhelming and suffocating sensation.

A euphoric feeling washed over me, and I moaned in delight at the scent of the aroma. In the center lay a lifeless celestial being with a dagger plunged into its heart. A drop of blood slowly trickled down the veil through a cable tube.

Despite being lifeless, the celestial still emitted an aura of light, peace, and sadness. She had beautiful face, silver hair cascaded down her back, and her celestial skin bore an iridescent glow.

"Her name is Luminia, the fading star," the grey-hooded man said, his voice carrying a mix of reverence and trepidation.

"You must be wondering why she is in this state?" The grey-hooded man chuckled.

"Well, she is actually the weakest of the celestials, perhaps due to a cosmic battle she could have been involved in, though I'm still not entirely sure," he continued, his voice tinged with uncertainty.

"Since she's in her weakest state, our group was able to capture her. We devised a cunning plan to guide her to a specific portal and used this artifact dagger." he explained with a hint of pride in his voice.

"Enough distractions," the grey hooded man said impatiently. "Let us press on." He pushed my body to go closer to Luminia, makes me feels becoming more extreme hunger and my primal instinct grew stronger.

He activated the mechanical array and suddenly the room becoming bright, all the veil slowly turn into mist and moving closer to the celestial.

As my body moved closer to the lifeless celestial, the grey hooded man spoke with a twisted glee "Behold the final creation of my experiment, the embodiment of celestial essence and mortal form combined! The celestial blood coursing through your veins, my dear, has brought you to this state of glorious hunger and power."

Slowly the mist permeated through my body. Scream of agony, the primal instincts overwhelming any rational thought.

The grey hooded man continued, "Do you feel it? The convergence of two worlds within you, the euphoria of celestial blood filling your every fiber! You are a masterpiece, a vessel for unimaginable strength and potential."

Robert's eyes widened with horror and desperation as he tried to speak, but the grey hooded man's restraints prevented him from uttering a word.

The scent of the celestial's blood in the room intensified, and I could feel my body trembling with an insatiable desire for more. The celestial's lifeless form seemed to exude an aura of both serenity and sorrow.

The grey hooded man chuckled darkly, "You crave it, don't you? The celestial blood that flows through your veins yearns for this sacred essence. Embrace it, my dear, and fulfill your purposes."

With trembling hands and a heavy heart, I found myself inching closer to the celestial meal before me, unable to resist the compulsion consuming my very being.

The aura of sadness hung heavy in the air, and my inner turmoil intensified with each passing moment. I knew what I was about to do was against everything I believed in, against my very nature, but an inexplicable force seemed to possess me, forcing me into this heart-wrenching predicament.

As I hesitated, a tear escaped my eye, betraying the anguish I felt within. I found myself inching closer to the celestial meal before me, unable to resist the compulsion consuming my very being.

With trembling hands and a heavy heart, I reluctantly sank my teeth into its lifeless flesh, the taste of celestial blood assaulting my taste buds. Each mouthful brought a mixture of pleasure and profound sadness, knowing that I was partaking in something I never wanted, something I abhorred.

The celestial's essence flowed through me, its power surging through my veins like a bittersweet symphony.

With each gulp, I felt an inexplicable connection to the cosmic realms, a sensation that should have filled me with awe, but instead, it only deepened the despair within my soul.

I cried while I ate, unable to control my own actions, a mere puppet dancing to the dark tune orchestrated by the hooded man.

I didn't want to consume this sacred essence, this celestial being that deserved peace and reverence. Yet, my body betrayed me, following the sinister commands that left my heart torn and my spirit shattered.

As I continued to consume the celestial's essence, the room around me blurred, and all that remained was the haunting taste of sorrow mingled with the divine blood.

My cries echoed in the hollow chamber, unheard and unnoticed, a testament to the cruel fate that had befallen me.

I longed for the days of freedom when my will was my own, but now, I was a prisoner in my own body, trapped in a nightmare of my own making.

The tears that fell mingled with the celestial blood, a poignant testament to the tragedy of my existence.

My heart wept not only for the celestial I devoured but also for the innocence I lost and the person I used to be. The sadness engulfed me like a relentless storm, and in my sorrowful feast, I found no solace, only the emptiness of a soul torn asunder.

In the midst of my gruesome feast, my heart cried out in anguish as I continued to consume the celestial's flesh. Blood and meat filled my mouth, a ghastly reminder of the dreadful act I was committing.

"I'm sorry," I growled, my voice a desperate plea, but the words felt empty as they mingled with the taste of the celestial's essence on my tongue.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry," I kept screaming, hoping my cries would somehow reach the celestial's spirit and beg for forgiveness.

Yet, my desperate apologies fell upon deaf ears as I remained entrapped in this nightmarish ritual, unable to break free from the malevolent force controlling my every move.

But just as I thought my suffering would have no end, the very walls of the building trembled, and the echoes of explosions reverberated through the air.

In that moment, time seemed to slow as I looked up and looking for a hope, but my head feels heavy and intense pain from agony. Suddenly I lost consciousness.