
The Celestial Hunter

After a life of poverty and powerlessness, Jamie is reborn into the body of a homeless orphan once more. Unwilling to repeat his past life, he strives to change his destiny. Luckily for him, he didn't transmigrate with nothing.

CaptainBog · Fantasy
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A Single Chance

The sun dipped below the horizon, its waning light casting long, haunting shadows across the city. Beneath a bridge, those shadows converged and danced with the flickering flames of a makeshift encampment. Tattered tents and improvised mattresses surrounded a crackling bonfire where murmuring figures had gathered, marking the end of their day spent begging and scavenging.

On the outskirts of this makeshift community, nestled upon a bed of torn rags and soiled clothes, lay a boy, accompanied by a girl seated to his left. The boy remained concealed beneath a tarpaulin, its surface bearing a web of rips and tears, leaving only his face exposed to the harsh world. His countenance, marked by unkempt dark hair and weary brown eyes, bore the scars of a harrowing ordeal. The left side of his face, once untouched by adversity, had been cruelly disfigured. His once full head of hair was reduced to a patchwork of mangled red flesh and pus-covered scabs, while his left ear remained a mere stump of flesh.

The girl gazed upon his scarred visage with a profound sadness. "I'm sorry, Jamie," she whispered softly.

Jamie, his strength waning, peered at her through half-lidded eyes. "Don't cry, Bella," he rasped, summoning a weak smile. "I'm the big brother, yet I can't even fend off a simple fever," he chuckled weakly. "No, I'm sorry for being so feeble."

Determined, Bella replied, "I'll recover the money those brutes stole, Jamie. Then we can find medicine for your burns."

"No!" Jamie's voice trembled with fear, the memories of that brutal encounter still vivid in his mind. He couldn't bear the thought of Bella facing those thugs.

"Then I'll take you to the hospital, even if it means drowning in debt!" Bella's resolve was unwavering.

But Jamie knew the grim reality of their situation. Being homeless and barely scraping by, coupled with accumulating debt, was a path to unending hardship. He couldn't allow Bella to bear that burden.

"Then... Then..." Bella's voice trembled as she scrambled for a solution, tears streaming down her face.

"This is it, Bella," Jamie said with a faint, bittersweet smile. Hidden beneath that smile lay a deep well of hatred, directed at the world and its cruelty. He didn't want to smile, but he had to stay strong for Bella. That was all he could do—protect her with his strength of spirit. He longed to sweep her away to a world of opulence and comfort, far removed from their pitiful existence.

He despised the overwhelming powerlessness that defined his life. Nothing ever seemed to go right, and he wished, more than anything, for the ability to change their fate.

Darkness crept relentlessly into his vision, the final image his eyes grasped being Bella's soft kiss upon his nose. Yet, her warmth had slipped beyond his reach.

As if drawn into an abyss within his mind, Bella's image dissolved into the unfathomable blackness that took its place. The void was icy, its cold tendrils inching through him, yet within, a fierce, unquenchable fire blazed, its flames yearning for release.

It was a fervent wish, a plea for an opportunity to rewrite the course of his fate. All he craved was a single chance, a slender thread of hope in the darkness of his existence.

And wishes are meant to be granted, are they not?

First try at a novel before. Let me know what you think.

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