
The Celestial Heart

A mirror universe of earth where Magic is in the blood of humans. The country is ruled by the Magister Enyo who oversees that the country is rid of all necromancers and spellbook which is only used for placing curses. Which is why the Magister created the Citadel, where the Slayers use field magic to catch and investigate necromancers, and dark magic practitioners. jackie is a dreamer. she wants to get into snowmore academy which is the most prestigious magic academy on the continent. her only goal in life is to become a slayer and eventually find her father's killer. Meanwhile her dream is put on hold when the bully Alaric make a deal with her. Her life is tested, and fate has plans set for her. The boy who only dreamt of destroying and a girl hell bent on making things right. Will the villain in her story, ever fall in love?

ARACHNE_001 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
14 Chs


The alarm didn't go off on the first day. Jackie woke up when she heard a loud banging noise on her door. "Shoot." She untangled herself from the blanket and went to unlock the door. Her mother burst in as soon as there was a click. "Why was this door locked?" she asked, her makeup half done. "Sorry, I must've slept without unlocking it first. What time is it?" she asked. The clock beside her table showed 4:30 am. That's when it stopped working. "It's 8:30 am. You missed the train. Get ready, I'll drop you off." Jackie had a quick shower, changed into her uniform, which looked kinda elegant on her. She stopped to admire herself. The uniform came with a dark blue skirt, knee high white socks, free black shoes, a white shirt and a dark blue blazer with the academy's insignia stitched on it with silver thread.

She heard the car horn outside and grabbed her bag. "Goodbye mama," she said as she dashed off past her grandmother's room, who slowly raised a hand to say goodbye. It was a 20-minute ride. If she had taken the train, she would've reached in 5 minutes. Her mother dropped her off in front of the gate and Jackie assured her she will catch the train on time. Looking around her, she saw people in similar clothing. It felt exhilarating to be among the most excellent teachers and the smartest students.

She was directed towards the auditorium hall with an envelope. The auditorium was apart from the building. In between them ran a curved bridge, and under it was a pond where frogs and fishes lived. Once inside, she saw that the hall was exactly the same in Magister's Enyo's holiday speech. "So this is where he gave his speeches," she mumbled to herself. Jackie took a seat in the middle, a little further up from the stage. To her right sat a curly brown hair freckled kid, and the left remained empty. "Did you know this auditorium was the front and center of both great wars" the boy said to her. When Jackie looked taken aback, he smiled and introduced himself. "Oh sorry, I'm Jade, too excited for the classes to begin." "Isn't that girl's name?" she said, and Jade shrugged. "It's gender neutral, besides I'm gay, so it doesn't really matter."

"Oh, in that case, my name is Jackie and thank you for that piece of fact." They shook hands, and Jade told her more facts surrounding the auditorium . "Sorry, I like to research stuff when I once come across something new."

"It's alright, I'm enjoying it."

"Well, Jackie jelly made a new friend." She felt a chill, and she knew where it came from. Jade looked up at the source of the voice, then shrank back in his chair once he saw Alaric's smirking face. He had gotten a new tattoo on his neck. It was some writing she couldn't make out from her angle. "I thought new experiences were everyone's thing." She wanted to mention the new experience she was referring to but knowing that she'll never get to be in the class made her shut up. "Easy there. You don't want to do something you regret, darling." He was closer to her face, like the night when he threatened her. She could see his green eyes clearly, there was a hint of hazel around his pupil, and it looked beautiful.

Thankfully, someone tapped the microphone, distracting them. "Good morning students, and welcome to Snowmore Academy. We met during the exam day if you were paying attention. I am Florence Carmen, headmaster of this academy." Looking around, Jackie saw the auditorium was half empty. Only 50 or fewer students occupied the seats. "Every information is available in the envelope provided to you. I just want to make sure that while you are here with us, you discover something about yourself. A new ability, a new field and a new dream. I won't take much of your time. Let me introduce you to the president and vice president of the student council." Two students, both boys, came up on the stage as Florence clapped.

"This is Dante the president." The boy who had guided her to her seat bowed to the audience. His hair was in a bun, and his taut face surveyed the seats. "And this gentleman is Victor, the vice president." The boy to his right was the exact opposite of him. Smiling and waving. "They will show you around the academy and help you with other problems as well. Don't be shy about asking them. Good luck." She gave a thumbs up and walked off the stage. That's when Victor started name calling and asked to stand outside. "How do you know Alaric?" she asked Jade, who was gazing at Victor. "What, oh um. Our parents are friends, they have frequent game nights and cocktail parties, what not. But he is a total jerk."

"That I know."

"Do you think Victor is cute?" he asked, smiling. Jackie chuckled, this time staring at Victor. He had black hair with a buzz cut, dimples when he talked, and a goody two shoes vibe. "Yeah, I think he's cute. But not my type." Jade heard his name called, and with a thumb up to her, he went outside.

That means the rest of them were to follow Dante, who, without a word, walked out first. When everyone was gathered, he spoke in a monotone voice, "follow me, don't step away from the crowd, if you do the cameras will catch you." Jackie followed the crowd as it started walking towards the bridge. Someone caught up beside her. "wanna bet jelly?" Alaric whispered while walking. Jackie rolled her eyes. "On what?"

"How long will you last here?" His pink lips spread in a smile, and she looked away. Why did the weather get so hot?

"No, thankyou." With that, she walked away from, but he caught up again.

"If you win, I'll grant you three wishes." He raised an eyebrow.

"Not interested." She said. They were nearing the back entrance to the academy.

"I'll do anything you wish for. You want money, I'll give that, you want the car, I'll grant that. You want me, I'll grant that too." That made Jackie stop. She turned to him and made a face. "ew. I have standards."

"I am the standard, darling," asshole, Jackie thought.

"What if I lose?" she said when they stopped in the garden with a golden painted gazebo. Dante was explaining some history to them.

"You will become my personal slave without pay."

"That's messed up."

Alaric shrugged. "I'll scratch that deal and make this our fresh start bet." That meant even if she slipped her tongue, he wouldn't do anything about it. "But only if you take the bet." Her chances here were secure. If she takes the bet, all she has to do is hide from him. That should be easy. Jackie turned to him, her hand out front. "It's a bet." She smiled. He shook her hand once and walked away, whistling.


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