
The Celestial Child (MLP Fanfic)

Celestia finds a human(oid) baby in Canterlot river within a basket. She decides to raise him as her own. The child will grow up to find his place in this world and love. An adventure awaits. (coverart was created by my friend, Impressionguy)

myyt_account · TV
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23 Chs

Goodbye Twilight, Hi Moon

**Celestia's Dairy**

Date: …

My son is been surprising me again and again. First he surprised me with his ability to use magic and after that confessing his relationship with his first filly friend Bubble. I could see that they are so close friends even when they were only five years old. Bubble always cared for Joy more than anything. She even sometimes shout at Blueblood for being mean with him. But I never thought they could be that much close to each other. But I'm happy with my son's choice. Bubble is very nice filly I ever knew just like her kind mother Heart Sparkle.

There was a time when I considered that there was something going between my son and my student Twilight. I could see that she liked him so much as well. Joy also considered him his very good friend and I knew that they were good friends. But they never could be what I thought they would. Joy said that he always liked Bubble. Twilight was so much sad after hearing that. But by time the she understood the matter and accepted the reality. Joy still remained a good friend to her.




Date: …

Now he's learning about his new abilities under the guidance of Twilight and myself for almost two years and so. He's making good progress in his private lessons as well. I'm so proud of my son. He says that he want to be a hero in his life and want to help ponies around him. How lovely he looks when he talks like this. My dear son now is growing up. I can see him being a handsome stallion.

Some mares in the Canterlot adore him and now when he's sixteen years old some of them even wants to date him. Maybe most of them see a simple chance to become a part of royalty. No doubt there also be some who likes him otherwise. But as a certain pink mare has already taken his heart with her so many of them will be so much disappointed.




Date: ...

Three years had been passed since he's learning about his magical powers. He has learned many kinds of spells since then. His magical abilities somewhat resembles unicorn's magic. He's able to use his magic in variety of ways. Some of his abilities are unique and even not possessed by a unicorn like Twilight. I'm proud of that he never boast about his abilities.

My faithful student Twilight has been proved to be a very good tutor. She's making great progress in her studies as well. But her lack of friends makes me worry about her. I must do something about this. She must know that there is so much to life than the dusty old books.


A concerned mentor


Date: …

At last the time has come. After two days there's summer sun celebration, the longest day of the year. A thousand years has finally been passed. My sister will return to Equestria once again. But not as Luna. She'll be returning here as Nightmare Moon with her plan to shroud Equestria in eternal night. This time I'll not be able to stop her by using the elements. But I knew who will. Now it's time that I send her to Ponyville to unite her with other five elements. I know she can do this. I know she can stop the Nightmare Moon and bring back my dear sister Luna.

I must be careful that Joy couldn't knew about any of this. I'd told her about that my sister was on the moon. But I never be able to tell him why she was there. He didn't knew anything about Nightmare Moon. Hope you'll accept my friendship dear sister. Sorry my son I just can't tell you about this.


A guilty sister and mother


**End of Diary Entries**

It was a beautiful sunny day. Summer Sun Celebration was at a day after next day. Twilight was on a break from her studies. Spike was much happy for this. She was sitting near a lake and well… reading a book she found so much interesting.

"… The eldest one tried to reason with her but the bitterness in young one's heart has transformed her into a wicked mare of darkness 'Nightmare Moon'. She vowed that she would shroud the land in eternal night. Reluctantly the eldest sister harnessed the most powerful magic known to pony realm 'The Elements of Harmony'. Using the magic of Elements of Harmony she defeated her younger sister and banished her permanently to the moon. The eldest sister took on the responsibility for both sun and moon. And harmony is maintained in Equestria in generations since."

"Hmm… The elements of harmony" Twilight said in concern way "I know I've heard of those before… but where," she whispered last two words.

Meanwhile in the palace Princess was preparing for summer sun celebration. This year's location was Ponyville. This is a small village located at the south of Canterlort. When she suddenly received a letter from her student Twilight.

[My dearest teacher

My continual study of magic had lead me to discover that something really bad is about to happen. For you see that mythical mare in the moon is in fact Nightmare moon and she's about to return to Equestria and bring with her eternal night. Something must be done to make sure this terrible prophecy does not come true. I await your quick response.

Your faithful student

Twilight Sparkle]

Princess read the letter. She then hide this away so her son couldn't get to read this anyway. It was important that Joy couldn't get a hint about the Nightmare moon. She than replied that letter. She knew that the time had come.

Next day Twilight was standing near a chariot along with Joy and her brother. She was about to leave for Ponyville.

"Goodbye little sis! Take care," said Shining Armor.

"Goodbye Twilight! Bye, Bye little Spike," said Joy.

Twilight had a farewell hug by her brother and her friend Joy. Then she sat on ready to go chariot. Two Pegasus royal guards pulled the chariot high up in the sky and soon it was out of sight. Princess was sending Twilight to Ponyville for two very important tasks. First task was to check on preparations for summer sun celebration. Second and most important task which was given to her was to make friends. She will be staying at hollow tree library known as Golden Oak Library.

Now Joy was all alone sitting in his room. Shining was with Cadence in the gardens. His mother was busy with preparations. He was taking care of his mother's pet phoenix Philomena. She was in the cage beside his bed.

He was glad that his mother had given Twilight the task of making some friends. He was so much happy for this. Now she must make have to make some new friends and have to learn that life is much more than just reading books all the time.

At the time of evening he was with his mother as usual. As usual he sat with her mom after she rose the moon.

"Mom! I'm happy that you gave Twilight the task to make some new friends. Her face was worth watching that time," he said and chuckled a little "Mom!" He called her as she didn't replied him.

"Han…! Yes sonny! I know," she said and looked towards the moon "Now you should go to sleep. It's late."

Joy yawned and nodded at this. Celestia put him on her back and headed towards his room.

"Mom, don't you think I'm too old for this back ride now," he said with a little bit of embarrassment.

"Stop kidding me Joy. You're only sixteen years old. Beside I know you like riding my back. Don't you?" she said as she took him to his room.

He show a little blush at this. He got off from her back and laid on his bed. He was also feeling a little tired. She was just standing beside his bed.

"Goodnight my joy!" she saw her son was slowly drifting to sleep. For some reason she knew that she'll not be returning from Ponyville soon. So just as an extra precaution she put a deep and long sleep spell on him. Tears escaped her eyes rapidly as she did so. She was feeling so much guilty over it. But somehow she know that this was the best she could do to save her son from an upcoming threat.

"I'm so sorry. I hope until you'll wake up everything will be alright. Please forgive that I didn't told you the truth," she said and silently left his room with tearful eyes. Now it was time for her to head towards the Ponyville. Sitting on a chariot pulled by four royal guards she headed towards the Ponyville.


"C'mon Twilight! It's time to watch the sunrise." said Spike who was wearing a lamp cover as a hat.

So Twilight and Spike along with huge bunch of ponies came out of the Library and headed towards the town's hall. Ponies from all around the town were gathered there. Twilight was so much worried about a threat. When suddenly a pink mare with an even darker mane and three balloons for cutie mark knocked her out of her thoughts.


Twilight didn't replied her. A yellow mare with pink mane was also there. Her cutie mark was three butterflies. She was conducting the birds as they were singing a certain tune. After the tune was played a light yellow earth pony mare with white mane appeared at the stage. She was wearing glasses and a bowtie. She then announced:-

"Fillies and Gentle colts, as mayor of Ponyville it is my great pleasure to pronounce the beginning of summer sun celebration. In some moments our town will witness the magic of the sunrise and celebrate this the longest day of the year. Now it's my honour to introduce to you to the ruler of our land the very pony who give us sun and moon each and every day." While she was saying this Twilight witnessed the pony shape dark spot disappearing from the moon. "The good the wise the bringer of harmony in all of Equestria…" everypony around was being so much excited. "Princess Celestia!"

Everypony stick their eyes at the balcony where Princess were supposed to hail and raise the sun in front of them. But she wasn't there.

"This can't be good," said Twilight.

"Remain calm everypony. There must be reason or explanation." said mayor as a worried expression was on her face


"She's gone!" said a white unicorn mare with curly violet mane


On other hand Joy was still in a deep sleep thanks to that spell. In his dream he saw:-

>He was sitting in the gardens with his dear marefriend Bubble. They both were talking to each other and chuckling like they always did.

"Bubble! I'm so glad that you came back!"

"I really missed you so much!" she chuckled "I'm so glad as well."

He chuckled as well and hugged her. She returned the hug. In a while Joy saw his mother and Heart Sparkle coming there. They looked towards them and sat beside their children.

"We're so happy for both of you!" said Celestia

"It's so good to see you together like this," said Heart

Both Celestia and Heart hugged the children. Joy was feeling so much happy…<


"And just what ARE the elements of harmony and how do you know about the Nightmare Moon Han. Are you a spy WOOW…" a blue Pegasus mare with rainbow mane and rainbow lightning bolt for a cutie mark said to Twilight as she was interrupted when an orange earth pony mare with yellow mane and three apples for cutie mark pulled her tail.

"Simmer down sally! She aint no spy. But she sure know what's going on." she said as she along with four other mares came near to Twilight "Aren't you Twilight." Twilight took a sigh

"I read all about the predictions of Nightmare Moon. Some mysterious objects called the elements of harmony are the only things who can stop her. But I don't know what they're, where to find them, I don't even know what they do…"

"The elements of harmony. A reference guide." said the Pinkie standing in front of a book desk as she was pushed aside by Twilight.

"How did you find that?" said Twilight

"It was under Eeeee!" Pinkie sang while jumping around

"Oh!" she said as she realized her silliness. She opened the book and read it "There are six elements of harmony. But only five are known. Kindness, laughter, generosity, honesty, and loyalty. The sixth is a complete mystery." Some dark blue clouds appeared outside the window as Twilight was reading this "It's said the last known location of the elements was the ancient castle of the royal pony sisters. It is located in what is now…"


"The Everfree forest!" all six mares said as they were standing in front of a dark forest.


>Suddenly everything around them got so dark. The sun was disappeared. Everything becomes dark as a starless and moonless night. A pair of giant green eyes with long iris appeared in the sky. Then they all heard a very wicked laughter.

The eyes twisted and made a giant and dark vortex. It started to suck everything near this. Four of them run to save their lives but there was only darkness all around them.

The news of Princess being missing had come to Canterlot. Guards were being send to search for them. Meanwhile Cadence was taking care of the castle members along with making sure that her cousin couldn't get a hint about the missing of Princess Celestia. If he got he'll be panicked and this'll just make the situation worse. To her relief her cousin was still asleep. She was just praying that her aunt and her friend Twilight would be alright.

Joy suddenly fell and that vortex started to come closer and closer to him. Bubble stopped to help him. Celestia flew towards the children and threw them aside from the vortex only to be pulled in the vortex by herself.

"Mom! No… no!"

Joy saw her as she was disappeared in the darkness. He was about to cry. Then remaining three of them continue to run. But soon another vortex appeared in front of them. It pulled Heart inside her as both of them watched her screaming.

"No mother! No… no… nooo…" screamed Bubble.

"Bubble! I don't want to lose you too!" said Joy as they were completely surrounded by darkness.

"I also don't want to lose you Joy…" she screamed his name as she was pulled into a dark vortex as well.

"Bubble… no... this can't be happening…" Joy cried as everything around him turn even darker.<


At last the prayers of Cadence were answered. Sun appeared from the horizon. She couldn't be that happier to see the sun in all her life. It was a sign that her aunt was alright. And maybe she was about to get home anytime.


"Princess Luna!" said Celestia going towards an Alicorn mare who had dark blue coat, blue mane and a crescent moon against a pitch black background for a cutie mark "It's been a thousand years since I've seen you like this," she said as she sat in front of her. "Time to put our differences behind us we're meant to rule together little sister."

"Sister?" said Twilight as other five mares showed a surprise expressions at this.

Twilight was wearing a crown which was just like her cutie mark. Other five mares were wearing the necklace which resembles their cutie mark as well.

"Will you accept my friendship?" said Celestia as she stood up in front of her little sister Luna.

Everypony there stretched herself closer to the both sisters to hear the young ones response. Pinkie fell down to her face while doing this.

Younger sister bow her head for a while.

"I'm so sorry! I missed you so much big sister," she said embracing her sister.

"I missed you too," said Celestia.

Tears started to flow from both sister's eyes. But not like Pinkie pie who eyes were shedding tears like waterfall. Then she suddenly stopped crying and said.

"You know what this calls for. A party!" she exclaimed.

Both sisters came in Ponyville sitting in a chariot. Spike embrace Twilight in excitement. Luna was warmly welcomed by the residents of towns. Both sisters were so much happy to be together once again.

Twilight's face was though full of sadness. Celestia came towards her and gave her a cheerful smile.

"Why so gloom my faithful student? Aren't you happy that you completed your quest and now you can continue your studies at Canterlort?" said Celestia standing in front of Twilight.

"That's just it. That was the thing which Joy was trying to make me understand for a long time and now when I realized how wonderful it's to have friends, I have to leave them," she said and lowered her head.

"Spike take a note please. I, Princess Celestia hereby decree that the unicorn Twilight Sparkle shall take on a new mission for Equestria. She must continue to study the magic of friendship and report me her findings from her new home in Ponyville."

Twilight smiled brightly to hear this. All five mares gathered around her. She was so much happy for that she didn't have to leave her friends now.

"Oh! Thank you so much Princess," said Twilight.

Everypony was happy but nopony could be happier than both sisters. After all they were meeting after thousand years. So they both headed back to the Canterlort.


>Joy was crying loudly. Darkness and coldness he was feeling all around. Then suddenly he saw a small light coming from somewhere. He ran towards the light as everything turned to pure white color. Then suddenly he saw Bubble appeared in front of him who hugged him excitedly. Heart appeared there as well. He was unable to explain his happiness when he saw them. Now only his mother was left. He looked around to find his mother who appeared after a while.

"Mom! I thought I lost you," he said as he embraced his mother

"Don't worry sweetheart! I'm back and have a surprise for you." she said as she looked towards a certain direction

Joy looked in that direction but couldn't see anything more than a dark blue shadow which looked like an Alicorn just like his mother. Then he felt his body so much relaxed. He couldn't resist closing his eyes anymore.<


Joy wake up to see that sun was up. <What a strange dream that was!> he thought. He looked at the clock.

"Oh goodness! I've been slept more than I expected." he said "Mom must be coming back till now!" he said and headed towards the balcony.


"So what did we miss during all this time? And who is this Joy that filly was talking about." Asked Luna as she and her big sister were heading back to Canterlot sitting in a chariot pulled by four Pegasus royal guards.

"Actually Joy… is my dear son Luna." Luna looked towards her sister with so much of surprise.

"I'll explain you everything after reaching home," Celestia said.

Joy was standing at the balcony waiting for his mother. At last he saw a chariot appearing from the clouds. In that chariot he was his mother Princess Celestia. Beside her there was another Alicorn mare. She had dark blue coat and blue mane which was fluttering just like his mother's.

"Is she… is she my mother's sister? Is she my aunt…?" he waved his hand towards them.

Celestia and Luna both saw him standing at the balcony and waving his front hoof towards them. Luna was little confused to see him. What she saw was a bipedal creature who was wearing cloths and standing at the balcony waving his claw like appendages towards them.

"Tia! There is a strange creature standing at the balcony," said Luna being a little panicked.

"Don't be scare Lulu. Actually he's… Joy. He's my son."

"What!" she asked almost with shock.

As they were going towards the palace Celestia told him all about the Joy. She was so amazed to hear this. At last chariot landed in front of the palace. Both sisters came down of the chariot.

"So he's like an adopted son. Isn't he?"

"Yes, he is but I've loved him as my own. I never let him feel that he's adopted. So please don't ask him about anything like that."

"You have our words sister," she replied "We'll like to see our new nephew now."

Both sisters enters the palace. Joy rushed towards her mother and embraced her.

"Mom, I'm so happy that you're fine. I was having a very strange dream…" he said and looked beside her mother. The other Alicorn mare was standing there.

"Sweetheart, she's your aunt Luna," said Celestia looking towards her sister

'I knew it.' A bright smile came upon his face as he realized he was right. His mother's sister has finally came back from the moon. He came towards his aunt Luna. They both looked towards each other. Joy hesitated a little and rubbed his mane.

"Hey dear Aunt… Luna. My name is… Joy Star," he said

"Hi!" Luna said when she was suddenly hugged by her new nephew Joy.

"Oh dear aunt. Mom missed you so much. Although I never saw you but I missed you too as well. I've longed so much to see you. Please don't ever leave mama and me again." he said.

Luna was about to faint with happiness. She never hoped that somepony beside her sister would be waiting for her so eagerly. She wrapped her front leg around her. She smiled as some tears left her beautiful eyes.

"Oh dear nephew! We'll never leave thee again," she said.

Celestia was so much happy to see them bonding so fast. She was happy that Luna quickly accepted him as her nephew even he wasn't a pony. After a while Luna saw some more new faces such as Mi Amore Cadenza and Blueblood. Celestia knew that there was so much to introduce to her little sister. She was gone for a thousand years after all.

"Mom, where's Twilight. I thought she'll be coming back with you," Joy asked when he finally noticed that she was not there.

"Actually Joy she was happy to live with her new friends," then Celestia told him about Twilight's settling in Ponyville. He was so much surprised when he heard that she had finally made some friends. He was so much glad for her. But he couldn't help himself also feeling a little bit sad at her leaving. He took a sigh and smiled.

"Good to know that she's happy with her new friends."

Joy decided to write a letter to Bubble about this. She had started her carrier as a model about a year ago. Joy was so much happy for that she was making great progress in her life. They were communicating through mails since last three years. She always told Joy that she misses him a lot. Joy misses her so much as well.

[My dear Bubble

Hi! Hope everything is fine there. I have some exciting news to tell you. Twilight was sent to Ponyville for some important tasks. She ended up making five new friends. Quiet surprising! Isn't it. But I'm happy for her. She decided to stay in Ponyville with her friends. And that's not all. I met my aunt who was gone away long ago. She talks in a little strange manner. I was so much happy to see her. She was also happy to see me. I hope we'll be good friends.

As for me I'm making fine progress as well. I think I'll soon graduate in my private lessons. I also have learned many new kinds of magic as well. I'm eagerly waiting for your return. I miss you a lot.

Your very special friend

Joy Star]

After posting the letter he was eager waiting for reply. He hoped that they'll be together once again very soon. After a little while his mother brought him a letter. It was not from Bubble as he knew because posting service wasn't that fast. But he certainly knew who's it could be. Only one pony can transfer letter that fast using the fire of the baby dragon Spike.

"This's for you Joy!"

[Dear Joy

Thanks for everything you done for me. Even if we weren't that much close but still you're my good friend. Don't suppose I'll forget you after meeting my new friends. I'm going to stay in Ponyville now. My new friends are really eager to meet you.

And one more thing I came to know that I'm one of the six elements. The elements are the most powerful magical artefacts in Equestria. My other friends are elements as well. I'll tell you about them in detail once you'll visit here or I'll come to visit you. Once again thanks.

Your good friend

Twilight Sparkle]

He smiled as he read this. He didn't knew what are the elements. But he knew that one day when he'll go to visit Twilight then she'll be more than eager to tell him about them. Now he was even happier than before.

And now there was a new member to his family. His lovely aunt Luna. He was hoping that he and his aunt would be very good friends. For Luna and Joy this was the beginning of a lovely aunt nephew bond. He wanted to ask her so much. But for now it was time for a welcome feast in the honor of the return of the real Princess of the Night.

And now there family was completed. Celestia's dear sister had returned to her life after a painful wait and grief of thousand years. She couldn't be happier than this. No words could explain her happiness.

First chapter of second season. Hope you liked it.

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