
The Celestial Awakening: A Medieval Tale of Perverted Being

In the primordial times, beings such as Gods, Demons, Immortals, Dragons, and Titans roamed the Earth. However, they lacked the ability to think as they possessed only bodies. It raises curiosity about how this came to be. Allow me to share a story about the division of heaven, the granting of consciousness to the beings created, and their subsequent conflicts in a quest for power. heh ლ(ಠ益ಠ)ლ just kidding I don't want to write any boring history stuff. In short, our mc Xin Yang is a skirt-chaser perverted immortal, he only cares about which hole he shell concur next, in front of his mighty golden rod Heaven bowed down and offer their women's to him, monster girls become his f**k buddies, Married wife left their husband and become his mother, offering their love to him. But one day the heaven emperor returned from fighting some powerful void beast, He returned to his house and when he entered he saw his wife and daughter engaged in a se*ual activity with Xin Yang, which made him furious. He imprisoned Xin Yang in hell's last level, but one day everyone got the news that Xin Yang died due to old age, making whole heaven and hell upside-down, but what no one knows that Surename Xin got reincarnated in a small world. where he has a beautiful Mother, two big breast sisters, and a milfy aunt accompanying him every day. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Important Note: 1) Our mc Is Badass, He didn't give a damn about anyone he only cares about himself and his family. 2) It's a harem Novel. ヽ(°□°ヽ) 3) Our mc has a Dark side read to find out about it. (▀̿Ĺ̯▀̿ ̿) 4) it's not a pure r18 But you will get a lot of 18+ chapters, Sometimes there will be violent stuff you know what I mean. ( ͡ᵔ ͜ʖ ͡ᵔ ) 5) The cover is not mine owner can contact me if he/she doesn't want it to hang on my novel. 6) If you want to read r18 chapters, get permission from your family first. (ಠ_ಠ) 7) I was just kidding don't mind it. 。^‿^。 9) repeat it hundred times, and the r18 god will bestow you a good wife. ヘ( ^o^)ノ\(^_^ ) -----------Hey gyes quickly support us for more chapter----------------------

BLACKEY · Fantasy
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12 Chs

The past's Story (2)

Roar! A giant worm emerged from the sand, launching itself at Xin Yang's party with its massive body. Caught off guard, the trio was thrown back a hundred meters, coughing up blood upon impact. With their mana sealed, they dared not engage in direct combat. Instead, they observed the colossal creature from a distance, devising a plan to overcome this formidable adversary.

The burly man, his determination unwavering, shouted to Xin Yang, "Brother Xin, quickly go! I will distract it. Let me repay the favor you bestowed upon me when you saved me from those bastards. Here!" He threw something toward Xin Yang, who caught it in his hand, a dusty ring brown in color. "Brother, please give this ring to my family as my last request," the burly man pleaded.

Xin Yang's frustration was evident as he clenched his fist tightly around the ring. He knew that engaging in a fight with the giant worm would only result in their demise. Taking a deep breath, he looked at the burly man and replied, "Buddy, I promise I will bring this to your family before I meet my end."

The burly man nodded, his eyes filled with gratitude and determination. Without wasting any more time, he activated some forbidden art, his hand, and feet started to get bigger, as he charged at the giant worm, his fists clenched and determination etched on his face. He unleashed a barrage of powerful punches and kicks, aiming at the worm's vulnerable spots. Despite lacking his mana, his physical strength and years of combat experience proved formidable.

Realizing that this was their opportunity to escape, Li Xuan forcefully pulled Xin Yang toward the direction of the temple. Xin Yang, though reluctant, followed her lead, his hands balled into tight fists. As they neared the temple, Xin Yang caught sight of the burly man locked in a fierce battle.

After swiftly covering a distance of 5 kilometers, Xin Yang and Li Xuan found themselves standing in front of the temple. A massive stone tablet emitted an otherworldly aura, with inscriptions that Xin couldn't comprehend. Curiosity piqued, he turned to Li Xuan and asked, "Hey, do you know what language this is?" Li Xuan, however, only cast a glare at the temple and responded, "It's ancient Celestial language. It means 'heaven'." Xin Yang was taken aback by the revelation. He exclaimed, "Really? Does that mean this temple has some connection to ancient times?" Li Xuan remained silent, merely stating, "If you can figure it out, why bother asking me?" Without wasting any time, Li Xuan entered the temple, and Xin Yang followed closely behind.

Inside the depths of the temple, an endless hallway stretched out before Xin Yang and Li Xuan, seemingly leading them toward an unknown destiny. With each step they took, the anticipation and mystery grew, as if the very air around them crackled with ancient energy. The hall seemed to stretch on indefinitely, its walls adorned with intricate carvings depicting forgotten tales and mythical beings.

As they pressed forward, their hearts pounding with a mix of trepidation and excitement, they eventually reached the end of the hall. There stood a grand door, towering above them at an imposing height of 5 meters and a width of 3 meters. Its presence commanded reverence, as if it held the weight of centuries upon its ancient surface. A small, enigmatic slit on the door caught their attention, hinting at hidden secrets waiting to be unveiled.

Intrigued, Li Xuan reached into her belongings and retrieved a dagger, its black hue glinting ominously in the dim light of the temple. With a resolute determination, she inserted the blade into the narrow crevice, causing the door to respond with a thunderous rumble. Slowly, almost reluctantly, the door began to creak open, revealing a blinding burst of golden light that surged forth like a celestial eruption.

Xin Yang and Li Xuan instinctively shielded their eyes, feeling the intensity of the light searing into their very souls. Time seemed to stretch, as they waited with bated breath for the radiance to subside. Finally, as the golden brilliance faded, they dared to open their eyes and gazed upon a sight that defied comprehension.

Before them, an expansive chamber unfolded, adorned with a seemingly infinite expanse of shimmering gold. Mountains of the precious metal stretched as far as the eye could see, casting a beguiling glow that danced upon every surface. Xin's heart skipped a beat, overcome with a mixture of exhilaration and disbelief Xin Yang couldn't contain his excitement, realizing that this was no ordinary gold. He shouted, "—it was black gold, hooray we have stuck rich", black gold, a rare and precious type of gold that could make one immensely wealthy overnight, and it also can attract countless troubles. Black gold possessed countless uses, it can cause immortals to go to war with each other, and it can bring the destruction of an entire world.

With the intoxicating allure of boundless wealth, Xin Yang couldn't resist the temptation that beckoned him. The mountains of gold seemed to whisper promises of power and opulence, luring him deeper into their shimmering embrace. Ignorant of the treacherous depths that lay beneath the surface, he ecstatically dived into the sea of riches, the sensation of the gold enveloping him like a second skin. It was a moment of pure bliss, a taste of unimaginable abundance that intoxicated his senses.

Unbeknownst to Xin, a subtle shift occurred in Li Xuan's demeanor. A cold gleam flickered in her eyes, a glint of calculated purpose hidden beneath her enigmatic facade. She watched, her smile fading into an expressionless mask, as Xin frolicked with childlike delight in the glittering treasure. Time seemed to blur as he lost himself in the opulence, the weight of caution slipping away.

As Xin Yang's exuberance subsided, a sense of unease crept over him, a faint whisper of caution that pricked at his consciousness. He emerged from the depths of the gold, his heart still pounding with excitement, but a growing sense of apprehension began to overshadow his joy. In the middle of the room, a magnificent throne was giving him a sense of belonging, crafted entirely from black gold, and stood before him like a beacon of untold power. Xin Yang approached it tentatively, his every step filled with a mix of anticipation and trepidation.

With each advancing stride, the air grew heavy, laden with an aura of foreboding. The room seemed to close in around him, the shadows casting eerie shapes upon the walls. Xin's senses sharpened, his instincts warning him of the impending danger that lurked within the heart of this golden kingdom. Yet, an undeniable allure beckoned him onward, pushing him closer to the throne, as if destiny itself called out his name.

As Xin YAng reached the throne, his pulse quickened, and his hands trembled with a blend of reverence and uncertainty. He dared to imagine himself as an emperor, destined to claim his rightful place upon the seat of power. But before he could fully indulge in his fantasies, and before he could even register the fleeting glimmer of hope, a piercing pain erupted within his chest.

Time seemed to freeze as Xin Yang's eyes widened in shock. A black dagger protruded from his body, its hilt firmly grasped by the hand of his trusted companion, Li Xuan. Betrayal was etched upon her face, her smile twisted into a haunting grin that bordered on madness. Xin Yang gasped for breath, his strength waning, as the agony consumed him. In his final moments of consciousness, he managed to utter a single word, a plea born of confusion and disbelief, "Why?"

Li Xuan's response came, chilling and devoid of remorse. Her enigmatic demeanor held firm as she whispered, her voice laced with a mix of menace and conviction, "You won't die." Her words hung in the air, a dark promise that sent shivers down Xin Yang's spine. Darkness encroached upon his vision, swallowing his consciousness whole, as he succumbed to the depths of unconsciousness.