
The Celestial Awakening: A Medieval Tale of Perverted Being

In the primordial times, beings such as Gods, Demons, Immortals, Dragons, and Titans roamed the Earth. However, they lacked the ability to think as they possessed only bodies. It raises curiosity about how this came to be. Allow me to share a story about the division of heaven, the granting of consciousness to the beings created, and their subsequent conflicts in a quest for power. heh ლ(ಠ益ಠ)ლ just kidding I don't want to write any boring history stuff. In short, our mc Xin Yang is a skirt-chaser perverted immortal, he only cares about which hole he shell concur next, in front of his mighty golden rod Heaven bowed down and offer their women's to him, monster girls become his f**k buddies, Married wife left their husband and become his mother, offering their love to him. But one day the heaven emperor returned from fighting some powerful void beast, He returned to his house and when he entered he saw his wife and daughter engaged in a se*ual activity with Xin Yang, which made him furious. He imprisoned Xin Yang in hell's last level, but one day everyone got the news that Xin Yang died due to old age, making whole heaven and hell upside-down, but what no one knows that Surename Xin got reincarnated in a small world. where he has a beautiful Mother, two big breast sisters, and a milfy aunt accompanying him every day. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Important Note: 1) Our mc Is Badass, He didn't give a damn about anyone he only cares about himself and his family. 2) It's a harem Novel. ヽ(°□°ヽ) 3) Our mc has a Dark side read to find out about it. (▀̿Ĺ̯▀̿ ̿) 4) it's not a pure r18 But you will get a lot of 18+ chapters, Sometimes there will be violent stuff you know what I mean. ( ͡ᵔ ͜ʖ ͡ᵔ ) 5) The cover is not mine owner can contact me if he/she doesn't want it to hang on my novel. 6) If you want to read r18 chapters, get permission from your family first. (ಠ_ಠ) 7) I was just kidding don't mind it. 。^‿^。 9) repeat it hundred times, and the r18 god will bestow you a good wife. ヘ( ^o^)ノ\(^_^ ) -----------Hey gyes quickly support us for more chapter----------------------

BLACKEY · Fantasy
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12 Chs

The past's Story (1)

As Zara made her way toward Adeline's room, she noticed the Vesprech sisters peeking through the slightly ajar door. Curiosity piqued, she approached them with a mischievous smile. "Hey, you two, what are you doing?" she inquired. The girls jumped and looked at her in surprise. Their eyes widened, but upon recognizing their Aunt Zara, they quickly composed themselves. They hurriedly explained, "Aunt Zara, it's not what you think. Father dragged us out of the room because Mother is going to breastfeed our brother."

With a knowing smile, Zara listened intently as the girls continued. "Yes, Aunt Zara, Big Sis is right. We just wanted to hold our brother. You know, he is so cute. But Mom didn't let us hold him. She said that because he is so adorable, she wants to hold him all the time," Alisha, the younger sister, explained with a disappointed smile.

Inside the room, Lady Adeline rested on the bed a pillow supporting her back. Zara and the two sisters sat beside her, watching the infant sleeping peacefully in his mother's arms. The baby's eyes remained closed, and the room was bathed in a gentle serenity. The time was around ten o'clock, and the tranquility added to the enchantment of the moment.

Zara couldn't help but express her amazement. "Sister-in-law, if I hadn't seen him myself, I wouldn't have believed he could have such an adorable face. When he grows up, he will surely make countless ladies fall for him," she remarked. Lady Adeline replied with a knowing smile, "Well, whose son is he? He will undoubtedly attract countless ladies."

As the evening wore on, around 11 o'clock, everyone left the room to find some much-needed rest. The events of the day had left them feeling exhausted. The Vesprech sisters headed to their respective rooms, while Zara made her way to the guest room to get some sleep. However, before retiring for the night, she sent two of her guards to inform her family about the situation, especially her daughter, who was unaware of her new cousin's arrival. Once the task was complete, she finally settled into the guest room, hoping for a peaceful slumber.


In a vast desert, where even gods could perish, because it's massively vast, this place is at the end of the universe, a big realm of desert and sand. three individuals, dressed in black robes, made their way through the desert, their pace unhurried. Each of them carried a substantial bag on their back as they traversed the arid landscape.

As they walked, the first member of the group spoke up, addressing the others, "Hey guys, do any of you know why our mana is being suppressed? Ever since we arrived here, I've been unable to utilize my spells. It's like my energy channels are blocked, and the weird sky never turned dark, I don't think even those gods could survive here, just like our mana is blocked their power will also be blocked, think that's why no one came to explore this place and those who came are all dead."

The second member, a strong and burly man standing at 7 feet, replied, "Yeah, brother Xin, I'm in the same boat. My magic power feels sealed off with an unknown energy too. It's frustrating not being able to use our magic powers in this shitty desert."

Xin Yang, a 6-foot-tall young man with a slightly muscular build, possessed captivating green eyes reminiscent of jade. His face bore a prominent scar, capable of instilling fear in others. However, far from diminishing his handsomeness, the scar seemed to enhance his appearance, lending him an air of maturity akin to an emperor with immeasurable wisdom acquired over countless years.

The third member of the party remained silent, and upon closer observation, one could discern that she was a girl. Her face exuded an icy coldness, complemented by a generously proportioned chest and subtly enhanced curves compared to an average girl. Additionally, her hands exhibited a pale white complexion.

Xin Yang spoke up again, directing his question to the girl. "Hey, Li Xuan, which direction is the temple? We've been walking straight for two months, and I hope you're not leading us astray. Dealing with those shitty magic beasts has been a nightmare with only our physical strength."

Upon hearing the question, the girl name Li Xuan remained silent. She retrieved an ordinary-looking compass, examined it briefly, and then pointed her slender hand in the northeast direction.

Enraged seeing the behavior, the burly man shouted at the girl, "Hey, do you really think we're idiots? We've been wandering around for two whole months without any direction!" He turned to Xin Yang with frustration evident in his voice and continued, "Brother Xin, I strongly suspect this girl is playing games with us. Tell her to reveal the truth, or I might just lose my cool and give her a good thrashing."

Upon hearing the burly man's words, Li Xuan fixed a piercing, icy stare at the burly man, displaying her fearless nature and maintaining her cool demeanor. Sensing the escalating tension between them, Xin Yang swiftly stepped in, his voice firm and commanding, "Hey, both of you, cut it out! Don't waste your energy fighting each other. I think Li Xuan isn't deceiving us. Look at northeast"

Xin Yang's words grabbed the burly man's attention, prompting him to look towards the northeast. To his delight, he caught sight of a round temple protruding from the desert, its top visible above the sand. A wave of relief washed over him as he realized they were getting closer to their destination. he quickly apologizes to the party member for getting angry so quickly.

They hurriedly made their way towards the direction of the temple. As they drew closer, the enormity of the structure became apparent. They stood in awe, captivated by its sheer size. The curiosity to uncover the secrets held within the temple intensified their determination, urging them to hasten their journey.

However, just as they were about to proceed, the sand beneath their feet began to stir, revealing a massive entity emerging from the ground, catching them off guard.

he gyes i am short on time sorry for the short chapter

and if you Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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