
The Celestial Awakening: A Medieval Tale of Perverted Being

In the primordial times, beings such as Gods, Demons, Immortals, Dragons, and Titans roamed the Earth. However, they lacked the ability to think as they possessed only bodies. It raises curiosity about how this came to be. Allow me to share a story about the division of heaven, the granting of consciousness to the beings created, and their subsequent conflicts in a quest for power. heh ლ(ಠ益ಠ)ლ just kidding I don't want to write any boring history stuff. In short, our mc Xin Yang is a skirt-chaser perverted immortal, he only cares about which hole he shell concur next, in front of his mighty golden rod Heaven bowed down and offer their women's to him, monster girls become his f**k buddies, Married wife left their husband and become his mother, offering their love to him. But one day the heaven emperor returned from fighting some powerful void beast, He returned to his house and when he entered he saw his wife and daughter engaged in a se*ual activity with Xin Yang, which made him furious. He imprisoned Xin Yang in hell's last level, but one day everyone got the news that Xin Yang died due to old age, making whole heaven and hell upside-down, but what no one knows that Surename Xin got reincarnated in a small world. where he has a beautiful Mother, two big breast sisters, and a milfy aunt accompanying him every day. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Important Note: 1) Our mc Is Badass, He didn't give a damn about anyone he only cares about himself and his family. 2) It's a harem Novel. ヽ(°□°ヽ) 3) Our mc has a Dark side read to find out about it. (▀̿Ĺ̯▀̿ ̿) 4) it's not a pure r18 But you will get a lot of 18+ chapters, Sometimes there will be violent stuff you know what I mean. ( ͡ᵔ ͜ʖ ͡ᵔ ) 5) The cover is not mine owner can contact me if he/she doesn't want it to hang on my novel. 6) If you want to read r18 chapters, get permission from your family first. (ಠ_ಠ) 7) I was just kidding don't mind it. 。^‿^。 9) repeat it hundred times, and the r18 god will bestow you a good wife. ヘ( ^o^)ノ\(^_^ ) -----------Hey gyes quickly support us for more chapter----------------------

BLACKEY · Fantasy
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12 Chs

The Birth of a Divine Child

The grand halls of the noble house of Vesprech were filled with an air of anticipation and nervous excitement. Lady Adeline Vesprech, the matriarch of the family, was in the final stages of her pregnancy, holding the baby in her womb for one year, everyone thought the baby was dead but before they knew it the baby kicked his mother's womb and told them that he is alive and the time for the birth of her child had arrived. The family members had gathered outside of her room, they waited in anticipation, offering their support and prayers for a safe delivery.

Lord Silver Vesprech, a tall and distinguished man with a strong presence, paced anxiously outside the chamber where his wife lay. He glanced at his two daughters, Misha, the elder one at eighteen, and Alisha, who was sixteen, as they stood beside him. They mirrored their father's worry, their eyes filled with a mixture of hope and apprehension.

Inside the chamber, a skilled healer named Elara and her two assistants, Elara renowned for her expertise in childbirth, stood by Lady Adeline's side. "Lady you have to push with more strength"

Adeline "aghhhhh, I know I gave birth to two daughters before but this time the pain is a lot " She is screaming in pain as she guided the laboring woman through each painful contraction. The room was filled with the soothing scent of herbs and the soft murmurs of whispered prayers.

Hearing her scream lord Silver barged inside the room and take hold of his screaming wife's hand.

Lady Adeline's grip tightened around Lord Silver's hand as another wave of pain washed over her. The moment seemed to stretch into eternity, but at last, a cry pierced the air, filling the room with newfound life. The healer carefully cradled the newborn boy in her arms, her eyes reflecting a mix of relief and wonder.

As the cries of their newborn son reached Lord Alistair's ears, a wave of joy washed over him. He couldn't help but smile through his worry, realizing that this precious life that had come into the world was a testament to the strength and resilience of his beloved Adeline.

Misha and Alisha exchanged gleeful glances inside the room, their worries momentarily forgotten. They had become older sisters, and the responsibility of caring for their baby brother filled them with excitement and a sense of pride.

The healer, Elara, approached Lord Alistair and gently placed the swaddled infant into his arms, as she leave the room passing some notes of medicinal recipes that can help lady vesprech recover from the pain.

The child's eyes were closed, yet his serene expression seemed to convey a wisdom far beyond his mere moments of existence. Lord Alistair's heart swelled with love as he looked down at the tiny face of his son, wondering what the future held for him, but the next moment sky outside their mansion became dark as night, it covered the whole royal capital, golden thunder started to jump from one cloud to another.

The various powerhouses sensed the change in their surrounding mana gathering in one place like crazy and the direction is the Vesprech house, the various entity gazed into the Vesprech house with their divine senses but to their confusion they can't see anything inside the house a golden barrier is protecting the house.


At the royal place inside a luxurious room, *knock*knock* "Come in" a mighty voice ranged, the person stepped inside the room and knelt in front of an old figure who is silently reading a book, the knelt man said "I bring news from the Vesprech house. It appears that someone within their ranks has ascended to the esteemed Overlord stage. Shall we dispatch someone to inquire about this matter?"

The old man interrupted him and said "Yes I have sensed it, Go, inform everyone in the royal family that henceforth, they are to refrain from harassing any member of the Vesprech family. Should anyone dare to cross that line, they will face the consequences, dealt with personally by me."

The man, now more perplexed by the Kinf-father's response, gathered his courage and respectfully sought clarification. " Majesty King-father," he asked, "this lowly one humbly requests to understand the reason behind your decree. It is hard to believe that the Vesprech family's recently ascended Overlord could surpass anyone in this kingdom"

The Vesprech family is like the other 11 nobles but have no one as an overlord mage before now, and other 11 families are lot stronger than them"

The King's father regarded the man with a measured gaze, acknowledging the validity of his question. After a moment of thoughtful contemplation, he chuckled and spoke, his voice mixed with a hint of jealousy. "Power does not always reside in brute strength or dominance" he began. "In this realm, there are forces that play in the dark then confront each other in a head-to-head battle, do you know why, because others will know their weakness. The Vesprech family's ascending to the Overlord stage holds no significance because they don't have any even now, but the entity born today will change this because they got baking that is equal to an Empire."

" Majesty-King-father are you saying that someone did not ascend in the Vesprech family but someone born with that strength compare to an empire....how can that be possible!!"

"That's why I told you to inform every other noble family that, we the royal family are protecting the Vesprech family, it's for their own good, Our kingdom has a lot of troublemakers, they will try to get some precious things offending some powerful peoples, if anyone tries to harm the Vesprech family even I will not be able to help that idiot, Now go inform my son to go tomorrow in the Vesprech family and make it clear that we are supporting them, and if he can make form a marriage agreement between my grand-daughter and the divine child I don't mind giving him some of the precious treasure stored in the Royal treasury, now go inform everyone don't bother me anymore" but after saying that he called the messenger again and said "tell my muddleheaded son especially not to underestimate the divine child's capability, this is a warning"


The whole capital became anxious because no one had ever seen this kind of thing, the commoners prayed to the god to save them from what is coming.

In the Vesprech family, lord Silver holding his son with great care his eyes are brimming with happiness, and everyone in the room is looking at the cute baby "Honey are you seeing this I am holding our first son " lord silver always desired a son from the start but it didn't mean he doesn't love his daughter.

Lady Vesprech, still resting on her bed, responded with a loving smile, her voice filled with adoration. "Yes, just look at him! He's so incredibly cute. My daughters didn't even come close to being this adorable when they were born. Now give him back, let me hold him."

Lord Silver, upon hearing his wife's words, carefully transferred the precious bundle into her arms, ensuring the utmost care for their newborn. From the side, the two daughters gazed upon their baby brother and nodded their heads in agreement. "Aww, Mother, when can we hold him? Give him to me first," Misha, the elder daughter said eagerly, anticipation gleaming in her eyes.

"No, you can't hold him before me! The youngest should come first, hmph," the youngest daughter Alisha chimed in playfully.

However, their pleas were interrupted by their mother's playful response. "Nope, you can't. Since he's so cute, I'll hold him all the time."

Laughter filled the room as the family shared a moment of joy and merriment, unaware of the extraordinary destiny unfolding within their midst. Little did they know the profound changes that awaited their newborn son.

Suddenly, a surge of mana began to gather, crackling with intensity. The room grew tense, and everyone became alert to the unusual phenomenon. Their eyes widened as they witnessed a mind-bending sight—the newborn infant levitated in the air. Gasps of astonishment escaped from their open mouths, their minds unable to comprehend the spectacle unfolding before them.

The surrounding mana grew increasingly pure, suffusing the room with its ethereal presence. And then, in a moment of profound significance, the infant opened his tiny mouth, drawing in the pure mana with each breath. As the mana intertwined with his being, a golden symbol began to form on the center of his eyebrow, shimmering with otherworldly brilliance.

In that surreal moment, the Vesprech family and all those present in the room realized that their lives had forever changed. They stood witness to a birth of a divine being. lord Silver suddenly cheered joyfully "hahaaa look honey our child has a divine blessing look at his forehead the divine symbol," lady Vesprech looked affectionately at her child and joyfully said "Yes honey from now on no one ever look down on us," The two sisters looked at each other their face is brimming with the joy of happiness.

In the Vesprech family amidst chaos happening the warmth and love that enveloped the Vesprech family, none of them could have predicted the extraordinary destiny that awaited their newborn. Unbeknownst to them, the child carried within him a fragment of a forgotten power, a connection to a realm beyond their comprehension.

Suddenly, the serenity of the room was shattered as the doors burst open, and a figure hastily entered. They swiftly approached Lord Silver and bowed, their voice filled with urgency. "My Lord, something of great concern is happening outside. Shall we dispatch all of our soldiers to guard the mansion?"

Lord Silver's brow furrowed as he assessed the gravity of the situation. He exchanged a glance with Lady Vesprech, whose eyes mirrored his concern. The newborn son slowly landed and lay peacefully in her arms, unaware of the turmoil unfolding beyond the chamber walls. Lord Silver knew he had to act swiftly to ensure the safety of his family.

With a calm yet resolute tone, he addressed the person who had delivered the unsettling news. "Gather all of our most trusted soldiers and station them around the mansion immediately. We must safeguard our family and our home at all costs because today we have a divine child with us. Inform them to be vigilant and prepared for any potential threat."

The messenger nodded in surprise and they looked at their newborn young master, and on his forehead, a symbol glowing golden, with surprise and happiness they understand the gravity of this situation. They quickly retreated from the room, rushing to carry out their Lord's orders with great joy. because after this night the Vesprech family will be reborn.

but what after the messenger left something happened again...

Hey gyes this is my second story i am going to write, so

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

next chapter will come as soon as possible so add it on your collection

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